2016 election part 2

I was interrupted and lost some of my thoughts, so now I have them back.

Another reason the GOP will not win the 2016 election. The UNconstitutional actions of the current administration, here I blame all who are trying to push this amnesty “crap” down our throats. Now we are being told we “have” to take in Syrian refugees to the tune of 100,000 or 200,000, that’s the size of many cities. Look into where they plan to “place” these people, in

These people have and will be given the “right” to vote and yet they ARE NOT CITIZENS! Heck they have drivers licenses and have been given government jobs in California. So you can’t tell me that they are not voting.

So you better prepare for something. More Socialism, more lost jobs, maybe an Iran nuclear/EMP strike, ISIS, Mexican cartels, Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter……

Think I am kidding? Well talk to me in 18 months, I’ll be here.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/2016-election-part-2/

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