Because you’re a good person?
Because it’s a right?
Because your mom told you so?
Democrats (I use this because most people are SO out of tune with the country) think that everything should come from the government and only the government can do things right. Now I am not going to point out the governments failures, I am simply going to show you an example.
You a hard working person, you arrive on time, maybe state late if needed, or help others with a task etc. For this cost of your time, you get a paycheck, maybe a 401k to put money in, health benefits, heck maybe even some paid time off.
I sit at home and troll over the Internet, watch TV, maybe take a nap. Maybe on a good day I might even cut the lawn. Now I am healthy, a little over weight, I have college degree.
So now I have a lawn mower accident and need to have an ambulance come get me, paramedics to keep me stable till I arrive at the hospital. Then there is the x-ray technician to see how bad I hurt myself, maybe a cast, medications etc..
So do you want to pay for this? I hope your answer is HELL NO!
And you should not “have” to pay for it either.
WordPress Tags: person,Democrats,government,governments,failures,example,task,cost,paycheck,money,health,Internet,Maybe,lawn,college,degree,accident,hospital,technician,medications,HELL