Take a minute and do a self assessment.
Can you pick up a glass of water?
Can you walk across the room?
Can you walk up some stairs?
Can you read?
Can you write or type?
Can you dress yourself?
Are you receiving food stamps?
Are you receiving welfare?
Do you have a job?
If you answered “NO” to only the last question, then you are NOT entitled to MY tax dollars.
Get off your ass and get a job, there are over 3.5 Million jobs available to people.
Call the cable company and have them remove the service completely. That box is not going to teach you any thing.
Get rid of your smartphone and get a “basic” cell phone. You don’t need to text, you just need to answer a call from a potential employer. Until then, you are NOT responsible enough.
Get a job and show up every day they ask. If they offer overtime, do it.
Have kids that need watching? Explain to your neighbor that you are sick and tired of you status in America. That you want to make a difference, have self respect and show your kids that they can depend on you.
Need charity? Join a church, become a member. Big churches are better, they have more members which provide more programs for people.
Knowing God and praying will get you farther then waiting on the government cheese.