So the Obama administration gave Iran most of everything they need to make nuclear weapons. Sure it make take a few years but in case you only watch progressive news the world is done.
I know it sounds so “crying wolf”, but Iran has been saying “death to America” for years. As we have seen in the past 50 years plus, the Middle East has been unstable. Some years it’s quiet and other times it bombs back and forth like a tennis match.
People think that Reagan was about building up our nuclear stockpile, that is a lie. He was about dismantling nukes around the world and trying to bring more peace world wide. The Star Wars program was to be similar to the Iron Dome in Israel, a preventive measure to protect us in the event of a strike.
So whether it’s tomorrow or 15 years from now, I am betting that you WILL see the devastation that these weapons if your still alive.
Now I have not read the actual agreement but I have seen enough that we DO NOT have immediate access for inspection. We request an inspection and Iran has 14 days to respond. They are allowed to delay access to the point the soonest we could actually inspect would be 24 days from request.
How much material could you move or bury or hide in 24 days? A whole lot that’s for sure.
You might say that the 2016 president can fix this? Seriously? Iran is NOT going to listen to anyone now that we gave them a non-existing leash.