About Site

Thanks for visiting our site.

This site came about as a way to vent frustration over the dumb things (useless) that are done by people (citizens) to other people. I use various sites for my posts and as we come across new sites we’ll post their stuff as well. Now before you contact us and say why aren’t you using site XYZ? Simple, we check out the sites that we are considering and look for sites with good content and that provide truth, as best that we can validate.

We do and will comment on most things for various reason, one might be to let people know how something works. For example, raising the debt ceiling, this is going to dig us deeper in debt, I would say most brush it off, so I think I need to remind them that it’s THEIR money. People have forgotten how the economy and government work, I for one am not expert and am learning as we create this site.

We try to be an equal-opportunity-offender, many people might see this site and claim it’s some far right-wing nut running this site. You would be wrong, it’s looks that way because that is the party that has the White House? Let’s see what 2014 and 2016 bring to the table.

We also plan as time permits to add the “real” history about our country, books published over the last 30 years at least are being modified and are leaving out some facts while skewing others. This is unacceptable to us and it should be to you as well.

Well again, welcome to the site I hope you enjoy it and find it entertaining and educational.

Site Admin

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/about-site/

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