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Well we are back!

It’s been longer than planned but we hope to be able to spend more time on this blog and continue to provide the TRUTH with our added opinions.

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2016 election part 2

I was interrupted and lost some of my thoughts, so now I have them back.

Another reason the GOP will not win the 2016 election. The UNconstitutional actions of the current administration, here I blame all who are trying to push this amnesty “crap” down our throats. Now we are being told we “have” to take in Syrian refugees to the tune of 100,000 or 200,000, that’s the size of many cities. Look into where they plan to “place” these people, in

These people have and will be given the “right” to vote and yet they ARE NOT CITIZENS! Heck they have drivers licenses and have been given government jobs in California. So you can’t tell me that they are not voting.

So you better prepare for something. More Socialism, more lost jobs, maybe an Iran nuclear/EMP strike, ISIS, Mexican cartels, Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter……

Think I am kidding? Well talk to me in 18 months, I’ll be here.

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2016 Election

To my fellow conservatives, lovers of freedom and liberty.

I am with each and every one of you. I want to return to the Constitution, I want ObamaCare dissolved, I want our borders closed and illegals deported, etc.

But I have a feeling that we are going to get a rude awakening come 2016. I am not a conspiracy theorist nor am I repeating what someone else has said to me. I am simply looking over the much bigger picture.

There will not be a GOP person in the White House. He is why I think so.  What is going on in America. We have bought and paid for protestors causing riots in Ferguson, Baltimore and other cities around the country. We have a faux cause, #blacklivesmatter (again bought and paid for). We see new protected classes of people more so than ever, illegals, muslims and now we are taking in Syrians. There are forces creating this disruption for a reason I feel and time will tell.

Look at it this way, you have a glass of clean water, then someone starts to add dirty water to it, what do you have? Well that is how I feel our country is being changed.

While I do not have a prediction of who as I still it’s way to early to tell since the “professionals” can change this on a dime.  Could be Killary, #feelthebern , crazy #unclejoebiden ,  #chiefelizabethwarren  or #juliancastro  Mr”redistribute the poor” non which are good for the America we remember.

Now there is an upside if you are a born-again believer in our creator God. The book of Revelation aka The End Times, we are close to the 7000 years that would be our time on earth. The United States is not mentioned in the Bible so we know that America is not around when the rapture begins. Well America is heading to the end, at least as we know it.  Some scholars put the window of rapture between 2017 – 2028. Various sites give the explanation as to how they arrived at the year the profess. I am a firm believe in God and learn more about him all of the time. For me I can only pray that the rapture is soon upon us and that we maybe delivered from what will be Americas’ future.

May God bless each and every one of you.

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Now a post from our Admin

As you can see a lot of what I post is from a site called The Blaze. Yep you can marginalize Glenn Beck, his mission, my re-posting etc. But if you want the TRUTH then stay tuned.

Glenn Beck and his entire staff come from all walks of life, Christians, atheists, liberals, libertarians, conservatives, gun supporters, gay and lesbians. The people all work together and dig deep into the truth behind the stories, not just some 5 second sound bite you get from most other “news” outlets.

I had never heard of Glenn until introduced to his show just before he left Fox. Then I waited until he started his own network and I watched him some more. The more I watched the more I learned, then he had guests on and wow I learned a lot more about our country than I EVER learned in school.

Now if you are a hard core liberal or socialist (you’re not seeing this anyway) you will dismiss everything here. That’s fine with me, you can believe that socialism works and Ill show you 100 countries where it’s citizens have it worse than we do.

Socialism ONLY works on paper, yes really. Say you’re the new guy on the job and you are working your ass off in hopes to get a raise or acknowledgement. Either your co-workers will beat you for working so hard and diligent OR if you don’t get a raise or acknowledgement for working so hard you will work no harder than you have to.

People like to receive praise whether it be money, awards etc. The people factor will always mess up socialism, unless of course you beat them ALL in to submission.

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