Category: USEFULL Citizens

People who "do the right thing"

Here is a conservative who knows how to play “their game”

Dave Wilson!!

I hope he wins the recount, then people will get an upfront seat to how things are supposed to be run.

Go Dave Wilson!!!

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WWII veteran has no one at funeral, until the Internet found out.

United Kingdom World War II veteran Harold Jellicoe Percival

We may not know it now, but this is the last good generation of this world. We have no idea what we will miss when they are all gone.

Harold Jellicoe Percival, god bless you for your service and ALL veterans.

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Kendra Crews is a USEFULL citizen

One teacher who "gets it".

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Coal – It’s what makes dinner in America.

Coal Workers Take D.C.: This Is What We Saw

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This IS the kind of America I want to live in.

Great Story of the Day

What a great story, more stories like this need to be shoved down the throats of the asinine Democrats and other people who are clueless.

note to single mom

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Here is a teacher who really loved kids

Michael Landsberry rest in peace


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Totally PRICELESS – Lena Hall


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Don’t mess with a Ripken

Momma Ripken is as fast as her son.

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Subscribe to this, it’s going to be "good"

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Not your average football post

Way to go Alfe – Washington Redskins

As a “car guy” all I can say it WOW.


I have a 15 year old car that I have had since new and would to have it restored, donations can be sent to

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Stephen Hughes–Thanks for being quick minded.



Busted – with a cell phone video.


Off duty cop or thug.

Side note- The female soldier in the video and the news caster are wearing similar outfits…

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Gowdy gets rowdy


Jarvis gets his hat handed to him.


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This is how to make a safe school!!!!

In addition, the district has installed 30 security cameras as well as an intercom system and bulletproof windows.

According to KHOU-TV in Houston, most parents are happy with the stepped-up security.

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As the lyrics by AC/DC go –“We salute you”!!!

To those who are there or still driving amen and thank you!!!


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Good story of the day–Baby Hope

Shouts and Props to NYPD for never giving up!


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Redskins – a history Lesson


Obama your “funDAmental transformation” will only work on sheep, stop “implanting” your ideals into Americans. The team is called the Washington Redskins and will remain that way, regardless of your LOUSY opinion.

Yes people have a right to an opinion but never for it to be respected..


Here it from the owner himself.

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Yes Virginia there is Socialism afoot in America.

Link to story

“Vladimir Lenin, one of the fathers of socialism, said that socialized medicine is the keystone to the establishment of a socialist state,” Carson said. “Some people say, oh come on, you’re being paranoid. Why would you bring up something like that. I would say if you know anything about history, how could you not bring that up.” – Ben Carson

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Ted Cruz strikes back!

Ted Cruz strikes back!

”President Obama’s paid political operatives.”

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Fast and Furious story NEEDS to be told!

The people need to know.

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Thank you Cicely Tyson!

"Nothing to fight for"

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