Category: USELESS People

This category contains people who have done something to ruin something for the rest of us.

January 6th, 2021

If you are a smart person who does not need to race to be wrong, then like me you can write about things when most of the real information has surfaced. I rather provide as much truth about something unless I am truly writing as commentary.

First thing is first – J6 Had the right intentions but went bad.
Secondly – Donald Trump did not call for storming the Capitol, or an insurrection. He clearly said to march “peacefully and patriotically”.
Thirdly – No police officers were killed that day. 1 died 5 days later due to health issues and not from the riot.
Fourth – Ashley Babbitt was the only causality that day, she was shot by a Capitol Police Officer.

So some ABC producers were asked to help with the J6 Committee Hearings, and many thought that this was similar to a trial and Donald was going to be perp-walked out and off to jail. This was what I call political theater, it’s a thing that typically Democrats do because the average American voter knows very little about American civics. So they use that to make you think that someone did something wrong and they are bad and should be cast away from society.

Now I don’t know everything about government and civics, but I listen to good sources who I have vetted what they have said and it aligns with the Constitution and or current laws on the books.

Sorry so back to the J6 “mini-series”, so some ABC producers choreographed for lack of a better word the must-day show. Apparently the videos they showed were only seen by the politicians staff and not themselves, so they claim. So they took their word and tried to show a bunch of people of the political opposition that they were going to take over the Government. This is the first place where you should have called bullshit, even a few thousand people, unarmed are going to take over the Capitol. If Capitol Police could not handle it the National Guard would have been called up as we have seen from riots in other cities. So the unarmed are going to win over armed? Ha!

The riot lasted about 2 hours and by the next day for more political theater, they put a fence around the Capitol, to put a visually planted image in your head that we should fear it possibly happening again. O by the way, the riot was never going to change anything as the election certification had already happened and this was just a ceremonial proceeding as it’s done after every Presidential election.

There was reporting and commentary by Eric Swalwell that Josh Hawley who had a fist up in one picture and running from people in another was a #lie. The fist picture was from I believe months earlier when either a bill or something went his way. The picture of him “running” was that Capitol Police were grabbing all of the members to take shelter, he was not running for fear of his life and if he was, you too would run when outnumbered. Side-note: When Antifa and BLM were rioting outside the Capitol they grabbed Donald Trump to seek shelter. Yet the uninformed called him a coward, again because people who don’t know, will hear something and believe it.

Then there was the talk about geo-fencing and the argument that it wasn’t used, but we eventually learned that it was and even in the movie 2000 Mules that I have not yet seen, sorry Dinesh. So they found I think it was about 5000 people that were on a “list” and eventually they illegally jailed over 200 people. Side-note: The last time people were illegally interred in America was the Japanese-Americans by Democrats. So these people who have been mostly not charged with anything have been locked up in solitary confinement for 2 years. Think about sitting in an empty room for 23 hours a day with nothing but your thoughts? What do you think they will be like when they either go to trail and or released?

Now here is where I was different on this, I suspected that this was an inside job and I took a little heat but I am also a very small twitter channel? Well every day we are learning that I was right 2 years ago. There has been so much vitriol against Donald Trump and MAGA which to me was a more proper and tighter version of the Tea Party. Which historically were very peaceful and when their rallies were over the place looked better than before. So I knew if DT asked for something specific it would be regarded as such and nothing bad would happen. So when I saw people climbing on the Capitol and breaking windows, I knew something that up and not the behavior of the MAGA people. Like many I listened to the news and my sources and the news was pushing an agenda and my sources were mostly skeptical and reporting very little until they felt like that had a more accurate report to provide.

I suspect that the J6 prisoners will eventually sue the government and get huge settlements eventually. The J6 committee and others should be dragged into court, all emails and documents should be provided to the public for us to read as well. They did release the 41000 hours of video to Fox and last I heard it will be to the public, so I am sure there will be a repeat of a false narrative and edited video propagated. So far it’s pretty amazing what we saw before the release by Kevin McCarthy.

I don’t care what your politics are, please don’t blindly believe what you are being told, it can be hard to research and get the truth. You can search on about anything about a republican on Google and as many as the first 3-6 pages will be mostly the same message with a spin on the words. Look for something that contains the opposite of what the majority headings are.

The American government is supposed to work for US, what they are doing is working against US, yet we let them divide US so they can keep ruining our country.

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Woke is Whack

I know that most of us know that this is true. The bigger problem is that people are afraid to call things out. Corporations fall for these “cancellations” from people who are not their typical customers. They either need to stay silent or use a good English phrase “piss off” or one of the American favorites “pound sand” also written as #sand

Lately M&M and Hershey had the “woke” moment and thought they did something cute. I can tell you unlike most of the Democrats, we will silently reduce our spending with companies either for a while or permanently, because we do not need to shout that #metoo is going to “cancel” some company because they do something stupid. Take Target for instance a few years ago, they went all in with basically allowing anyone is any bathroom regardless what the sign said. Their stock plummeted, yet most companies still haven’t learned.

Now I know you can’t keep a list of all of the companies who had or do bad things, but we all vote with our dollars on who and what we agree with, others will still shop somewhere because they really like something they carry.

Our household has cut back on a lot of things, I was an avid movie go’er. It’s been 10 years since I have gone and even at home I might watch 4 movies a year. My wife likes to go to a few baseball games a year, we stopped that as well and not to mention that the city is a cesspool and full of crime, it’s not worth my dime. LOL

Well I prefer to have one subject per post so I am off to write about other things, political of course.

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Lemon and Fredo want you deprogrammed

These 2 clowns want to “deprogram” conservatives? Funny all I have seen from #BLM #Antifa is “brownshirt” operations. Also, there are “mask-brownshirts” who will report you or go all “Karen” on you for not wearing a mask.

brownshirt – The Sturmabteilung: Hitler’s Unofficial Army Of Thugs Literally ‘Storm Unit,’ the SA was once a group of specialized troops under Imperial Germany — until Hitler assembled them en masse to intimidate his political opponents.

As I will make mention in many future posts Democrats will call you a “Nazi” or a “fascist” yet they will be the ones acting as such. I think they do this because there is still a very large percentage of people who don’t know history, or just “swallow” whatever their idiot-box (TV) tells them.

If you are a democrat reading this listen to Dan Bongino, Ben Shapiro, read Real Clear Politics or Just the News.

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Why the News shills

There is always a lot of debate about the news anchors, I don’t care what company you get your news from. You can get it from #Al-Jazeera, #ABC, #CBS, #CNN, #ESPN, #FOX, #MSNBC, #NBC, #RT, etc.

People will tell you that Rachael Maddow is really smart and is a Rhode Scholar or Morning Joe is a Republican etc.

Now take this into consideration:
#Rachael Maddow earns $7 million a year
#Wolf Blitzer earns $5 million a year
#Joe Scarborough earns $8 million a year
#Mika Emilie Leonia Brzezinski also earns $8 million a year
#Chris Matthews earns $5 million a year
#Brian Williams was making $10 million before he was finally called out about lying.
#George Stephanopoulos earns $15 million a year
#Anderson Cooper $12 million a year
#Shepard Smith $10 million

Now, this is just their “working” salaries, then there are book sales appearances, etc due to their career.

So with this kind of money why research and report the truth and or add your opinion when you can be told what to say and earn a 7 figure salary.

So yes I would say that a lot of these “talking heads” are really just “agenda puppets”.

Solution? Spend some time reading the Constitution, Federalist Papers, etc. Know how the government should operate so when you hear someone speak you know if it’s BS.

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Teleworks Unite!

I would like to thank the #coronavirus for helping me make a point that I have talked about for years.

I work in the tech field 99.9% of my work comes from either email, a ticketing system, or an occasional phone call and sometimes a screen share to assist a customer.

I can contact my colleagues via various messaging applications and even if needed I have a video camera and can share my desktop with them as well.

Since I am using supplied equipment they are most likely allowed to monitor me. While it’s disheartening I understand that many people don’t have the discipline to work without being visually supervised. I have not been visually supervised in 10 years.

Anyway, my point is given the current state of the state there are a bunch of jobs that can be done from home and that don’t have physical interaction with other people.

So why are we driving, taking up a seat on a train, bus etc?

There is a political party talking about this Green New Deal, while I disagree with it completely, there are things “we the people” can do without being forced or regulated into complying.

So write your governor, congressman, representatives, I wrote mine and basically explained by providing tax incentives to companies who do teleworking. The trade-off is that we who can telework are not adding to the traffic, less road and bridge use, etc.

The Federal and State government also need to push harder for teleworking a.k.a GAO-11-628 and NSPD-51/HSPD-20.

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Common Core Caucus

So ex-Hillary staffers created the app that was used in the Iowa caucus. The company name Shadow Co. (nice job on the name). The app was developed in 2 months.

So America think, these are the people who changed our government school education. These are the people who want to run everything in your life, healthcare, college etc.

Politics is NOT about the people running, it’s about what they want to do with the country.

The Democrat party typically wants power, they want to run everything. Green New Deal?

Historically government fails at running things, a.k.a Amtrak (loses money every year for over 10 years), ACA (Obamacare – website crashed, deductibles went way up though promised they would go down).

The Republican party assuming that the person in the party is actually a conservative wants to lower taxes, pro economy (when everyone is working the country as a whole is better)

So do you want to be told what you can have? or would you rather have a job and make your own choice?

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What is school?

Merely an indoctrination into a system of acceptable thoughts.

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What or who are you really mad at?

Did you hate Obama, do you hate Trump? Did they do anything to you? directly? NO!, they did not.

So you don’t like the ACA (Obamacare), neither do I. I used to have “Cadillac” insurance, it usually means that you have very little out of your own pocket. It can cost more unless you work for a large company typically. Back in the day the most of would ever have to pay was my co-pay, it was usually about $20.

Today I have to pay co-pays ($20 – $50) and the first $6000 dollars for all medical and the first $3000 for dental.

Now the Democrats and Obama have been wanting to move to a more socialist medical care system, also called “single-payer”.

So this is where a short civics lesson is needed.

So there is one branch of government that makes laws, this is the Legislative Branch. This comprises of Congress of which inside is Senate and House of Representatives.

These are the people where you should be directing your anger to, they are the ones who take away liberties and freedoms. They violate the Constitution of the United States, they have forgotten the 18 enumerated powers. Maybe if they would read this every morning, maybe our country would be better for all.

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Hate, it’s so easy a Caveman can do it.

What is with everyone? Have we become the United States of Triggered?

Hate and negativity is so easy, you spend your whole day looking for the bad in everything. I hate people that do (insert anything), why?

How bad is your life really? Did you know that the poorest person in America is still better off that most of the world? There are people without enough food, they wash clothes and dishes in polluted streams, they have refrigeration or air condition. Heck nevermind a TV or a game console etc.

Yes you sit there as an armchair General, keyboard warrior or self-deputized officer of the law raging about anything you can find.

Then there is the other group of you that if you hear something that your ears are sensitive to, you go off like an unstable stick of dynamite. “They didn’t use the proper pro-noun, you’re a racist, why do you hate children, you’re a Nazi, you’re a white nationalist” yada yada yada.

American your STUPIDITY is showing! You self-important, coddled people need to wake up and go on about your day and quit looking for things to hate. Find some joy in the world, watch puppy and kitty videos, find a park and take a book with you, go for a drive in the country.

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Hey America, Do You Want Your Country back?

Did you say yes?  Well I am proud of you, now please read and learn the 18 Powers of Congress. These are the ONLY powers that are to govern the country as a whole. (more below)

Article 1 – The Legislative Branch
Section 8 – Powers of Congress

1 The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

2 To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

3 To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

4 To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

5 To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

6 To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

7 To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;

8 To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

9 To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

10 To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;

11 To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

12 To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

13 To provide and maintain a Navy;

14 To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

15 To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

16 To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

17 To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;

18 To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.


Most people spew the first one without knowing what it means, this is their favorite line ” provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States;”. The problem is it’s read out of context.

Defense in this case means control of the border aka the perimeter of the country, protecting citizens from foreign invaders, think when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.

Welfare, this is in reference to prosperity for the entire country and NOT that the Federal Government can do what they want. Had that been the intention there would not have been the list of the powers it did have.

So what does this mean? Here is the best part, if we cram the Federal Government back into the box it’s supposed to be in then we can return power to the States and each State and even at the county level can be run the way the local citizens want it.

Close the Department of Education at the Federal level, why let people who are so far from and removed from where you are decide how and what to teach your children? Why not have 50 Departments of Education 1 for each state? Then if you have an issue of what is being done in the schools you are working with people in your state and not some bureaucrat who will most likely never reply to you.

Roe vs. Wade this is another argument that is made. First of it’s unconstitutional, again if the states had the power then it could be decided by state or even county levels of government if they want to allow abortions. Then if you need this service you can drive to when they are legal.

Marijuana – same thing, let the states and counties decide, it’s not a Federal Power.

Same sex marriage – The LGBTQ community really did themselves a disservice recently. They have been up in arms for decades about be able to marry and wanted to be recognized. So they went to the the Federal Government and made a big stink about it and pushed to make it legal everywhere. What they should have done was read Article 1 Section 8 and said there is no law saying we can ‘t marry and proceeded to take on the states and eventually get government out of marriage. Why should you pay the government so that you can marry someone?  Many states still have common law marriages, meaning that if you live together for some amount of years you are viewed “as married”, if you introduce the person your living with as your spouse it can be used in court if there is a issue for example executing a will.

So long term what could happen, I can only speculate and that I shall.

So the amount of Federal employees would be less, all of the unconstitutional things they run would be shutdown. So I speculate that your Federal taxes would be smaller and possibly your federal tax for would be much simpler.

On the state site, they would be maybe providing more services so your tax dollars would maybe go up a but depending on what the people wanted to the local government to be in charge of.  Wouldn’t you rather have the bulk of the taxes you pay stay in your state? I know I would.

So Article 1 Section 8 plus the 10th Amendment is what we should all fight for regardless of who is in office or what our political leanings are.

It’s like the old adage, keep your friends close (Federal Government) and your enemies closer (State Government).


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Can Maxine Waters impeach President Trump? NO

Just Google this lady and watch what she is saying, whether its about President Trump or his cabinet.

She has been saying she is going to impeach President Trump, well she can’t. That is just rhetoric so her base will continue to follow her and vote for her in the upcoming election.

Article 1 Section 2 Paragraph 5

“5: The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.”

From there you have to draw up the Articles of Impeachment

It’s the word supermajority is why Maxine Waters can’t impeach President Trump. She can not get the votes as the House of Representatives is a Republican majority.

It takes but a few minutes to look this information up and learn the truth.


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O Elizabeth Warren when will you say something that is truth

Elizabeth Warren and most of the liberal screamers and of course the media all go on and on about babies, toddlers and kids being “ripped” from their mothers, parents etc, held in cages like animals.
Well, it’s a LIE, yes LIE.  First off its camera angles and it’s been proven. Secondly, the conditions were worse under your buddy Barack Obama. #2014
Seriously?  Why is it that these babies don’t matter?

Hey, liberals if you would stop killing your voters you wouldn’t need open borders, DACA, full amnesty etc.  “In 2014, 652,639 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas” – CDC
That is a lot of votes your pissing away but you don’t care, you want people who can vote NOW and often.

It’s said that liberals are so evil and compassionate, maybe there is something to liberalism is a mental disease.

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Black lives don’t matter

So we have all been hearing this noise about “Black Lives Matter”, they have taken over a stage at a Bernie Sanders rally and talked to Hillary Clinton and protesting any place they can show up at.

Well apparently these people were taught any history or cracked a book in a library they might have learned something.

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified on July 9, 1868, and granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed. In addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property, without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” By directly mentioning the role of the states, the 14th Amendment greatly expanded the protection of civil rights to all Americans and is cited in more litigation than any other amendment..” –

The 15th Amendment to the Constitution granted African American men the right to vote by declaring that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." Although ratified on February 3, 1870, the promise of the 15th Amendment would not be fully realized for almost a century. Through the use of poll taxes, literacy tests and other means, Southern states were able to effectively disenfranchise African Americans. It would take the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 before the majority of African Americans in the South were registered to vote.” –

So black lives have mattered for a long time, so are they being lied to? Are the “public” schools not explaining this to them, especially in the inner city?  Why is it that such simple information to obtain is so lost on people.

Well I can’t answer all of these questions but I have opinions that I will share.  Obtaining information by the black community has been regulated for so long that people not in their shoes are sell-outs, “uncle toms” or whatever else is the new phraseology.

I would love to go to my local inner city and educate the residence their and let them know that their continuous failure is due to what they keep listening to, “black leaders”, the Democratic party, progressives, Socialist and Marxist minded people.

You see these parties need a crisis so that they can act outraged, offended and appalled.  “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Rahm Emanuel

This is exactly what I mean, so someone or a group of people complain and people of the American left run out and try to control whatever the outrage is. This ends up in regulation and laws and takes another layer of freedom and liberty away.

Here is a simple example. If you were born say before the 1980’s you probably could play tag,  dodge ball, kickball etc.  Can your kids do that today? Most likely not, maybe if you live in a small town. Well this change came from overprotective parents who didn’t want little jonnie or suzy to get hurt or feel bad about themselves. This “for the children” mentality is bullshit at best. So now we don’t have interaction, a social pecking order and kids are just little robots waiting for the next nugget to be planted into their brain.

Sorry a little off track, so black lives matter? yes as do ALL human lives regardless of color, gender.  Black lives DON’T matter to black people and haven’t for a long time. Watch your local news, who got shot? who do they suspect? who did they catch?

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Internment Camps 2015 U.S.A

So how do you interpret what General Wesley Clark is saying. Granted it was just an thought put out loud in a new conference. But let me ask a Clinton-ish question, define “If these people are radicalized and don’t support the United States, and they’re disloyal to the United States” – Wesley Clark

Now I love this country, but I am not happy with the way it’s going. So does this mean that is the “target” changes I may be drugged off to camp?

Here is a link from Wiki and then 2 links one from each side of the American political scale. 

Internment camps they are making a come back in the United States of America.

Salon     Right Wing News

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Lives don’t matter to democrats

It’s so funny to hear Martin “the apologist” O’Malley  cower to the pressure of the audience at Netroots Nation. To me that is an early sign that he would not stick to his agreements with his constituents.

He should have demanded that ALL lives matter and even add that abortion is wrong. Although that would never come the democrats.

I don’t care what the numbers are (yet I know them), all lives matter period!, men and women.

Also on this “lives matter” rhetoric let’s move to abortions, since 1973,  53,000,000   lives have been aborted. That is 4 times the population of the state of Illinois (2013).

So if ANY lives many to you STOP voting democrat.

Ladies stop giving “the keys to the kingdom” away so easily.

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Let me explain some things


All of this nonsense about “trans” this and “cis” that, seriously?  Look GOD, yes I said God created you. He knew you before you were conceived believe it or not. You are either man or woman, penis = man, vagina = woman. Now if you cut it off or cover it up you are still what you were at birth.

You can dress in women’s’ clothes all you want, heck my aunt married a man who she would find out some years later he would wear her clothes around the house when she was gone. Yes there are divorced.

Just because you choose to do something else with your natural gender you are not brave. Heck I dressed as a woman for Halloween once and was later a Powder Puff cheerleader, so I guess that makes me braver than most?

So you are either mentally defective or are in lack of attention.

Next LGBT, yes you too are a part of this. You are NOT a protected class of people, again you are man or woman at birth. You are no more special that any one else, you don’t get to park any closer to the entrance of The Gap or Crate and Barrel.

What you have done recently is completely insane. You couldn’t force the states to allow you to marry, so you took your whinny cause to the Supreme Court. Yet you are the same group that says “stay out of my bedroom”, but now you brought your bedroom to court. Bad move!

The “masters” of your cause really sold you out. You are now even more a part of government and what’s wrong. Marriage was not nor has ever been in the Constitution (you should really read it). The marriage license was created by the states and should have been opposed then. Marriage was originally an agreement between two families.  Had you pushed that marriage was between two people and the state had no right to intervene you might have had more people on your side. Most people especially when you made the final push are tired of government in every facet of their life.

Well I am looking forward to the first few divorce cases, that will be the next change and hopefully you can get that “nightmare” changed in a positive direction.

Imagine 2 “men” go to court to fight over custody of a child or a dog, it’s going to be real interesting for the court as they can’t side with one gender or another.

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Agree with me or I’ll bust you!

Ben Shapiro is another one of my favorite debaters on liberal lunacy.

  Tranny threatens Ben Shapiro

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Well I am glad the names were quietly released, I wouldn’t want this to be on an TV station.

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Who is Hillary Rodam Clinton?

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Clooney is loony on climate change.

“If you have 99% of doctors who tell you you are sick, and 1% that says you’re fine, you probably want to hang out…with the 99.” – George Clooney

So what you are saying is that you’re a follower.
Can we find a way to get 99% of Hollywood to tell him to stop acting and “sit down and shut up” (as Reid would say).

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