Category: USELESS People

This category contains people who have done something to ruin something for the rest of us.

Ghost of Columbia- Part II: Legendary Columbia Professor Never Heard of Obama |

Ghost of Columbia- Part II: Legendary Columbia Professor Never Heard of Obama |

Heck Barack and Michelle don’t know who they are.

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Boston Could Provide Condoms in All High Schools Throughout the City |

Boston Could Provide Condoms in All High Schools Throughout the City

So who do you think pays for this? Maybe the schools ought to try harder and teach and parents be involved in their kids lives.

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Obama On NSA, PRISM Spy Programs – Business Insider

Obama On NSA, PRISM Spy Programs – Business Insider.

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EPA Shuts Down ‘Man Cave’ – Business Insider

EPA Shuts Down ‘Man Cave’ – Business Insider.

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Every Company NSA Spy Case No Knowledge – Business Insider

Every Company NSA Spy Case No Knowledge – Business Insider.

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Officials: NSA Intercepted Phone Emails – Business Insider

Officials: NSA Intercepted Phone Emails – Business Insider.

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Glenn Greenwald Breaks ANOTHER NSA Story – Business Insider

Glenn Greenwald Breaks ANOTHER NSA Story – Business Insider.

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