Category: USELESS People

This category contains people who have done something to ruin something for the rest of us.

There are ANIMALS amongst us!

This animal has been arrested in…… you guessed it Chicago. An 82 year old man stopped to help her. He bumped her car in the process and she unleashed.

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This IS the real Obama

Read this and send to "friends"

My classmates proudly called themselves socialists, communists, and Marxists. Even though almost all of them came from wealthy families (or perhaps because of it), they hated the rich and despised business owners. They talked about how the “white power structure” had to be dismantled, business owners bankrupted, and capitalism destroyed. Everything in their minds was based on “social justice.”

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John McCain says no to 2016, thank God.

Really? The only thing on your radar should be to go home and stay there.

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A Massachusetts politician enter homes without a warrant

They are coming to get you.

They wasn’t to come into YOUR house WITHOUT a warrant. Inspect how YOUR guns are being stored. Wait till ya read “how” they are to be stored.

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It’s a trick – get an ax!

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Speak really slow to Boehner, thank you.

Click slowly for story 🙂

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Did you send your child to college? Hopefully not this one.

Keep it to yourself.

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Jay Carney–Fails Fact check

Fact Check isle 1600

Is this my inquisitive side?

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Liberals are disgusting – St.Louis, Mo

Sick person here.

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Obama lies??? No not POTUS, wake up democrats!

Click to see some truth

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Welcome to the New America

This butts for you..


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Must see TV – 13 minutes that will put you in the know

Watch this!!!

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Awe did someone dress as Barry Soetoro for Halloween, now everyone is in trouble?

Click Pic

Don’t want to work here!

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ObamaCare-bot – “we will have those in mid-November”

Story Link

So we have no one that can query the database to find the total number of records and then see how many records are complete?

Heck I can use Google to learn how to query a database and get the answer…

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Jeff Spicoli – You ought go worship your dead idol Hugo Chavez

Hey Spicoli

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Jay Carney follows the Obama Foreign Policy – Duck and cover

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This is HOW NOT to raise your kids.

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If someone says you look stupid, remember this picture. Just saying.

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David Axelrod, Obamacare, Twitter you can probably figure the rest

David Axelrod speaks, people jeer him.

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More uninformed people – laugh, but they vote!!

“Working isn’t working for me I need my free food”

4 years later Bush still gets blamed. Liberal media doing it’s job!

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The View – Loosing it’s vision since Hasselbeck left

Barbara Walters fights for show survival


Elizabeth out                                        Jenny McCarthy in                      = lost ratings.

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