Category: USELESS People

This category contains people who have done something to ruin something for the rest of us.

Nothing to see here but a whiny LIBERAL about Obamacare–Daily Kos

Liberals don’t do math, nor think things through.

Obamacare ONLY hurts if you are working. Yeah I know, that makes sense.

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Sometimes a cell phone camera is NOT be used and ACTION should be taken!!!




My guess they are ALL liberals as they are either animals or just stupid.

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More of YOUR tax dollars going down “the river”

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Hey LOOK! Criminals

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Do what’s right? Socialism is NOT right for America




Obama just shut up.

Visiting a charity not far from the White House, President Barack Obama blended optimism with a slap at Republicans.

“My hope is that a spirit of cooperation will move us forward over the next few hours,” he said. And yet, he added, “If we don’t start making some real progress both in the House and the Senate, and if Republicans aren’t willing to set aside some of their partisan concerns in order to do what’s right for the country, we stand a good chance of defaulting.” – Barry Soetoro

Sorry Barry socialism is NOT for Americans.

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Obamacare = NO PRIVACY

Apparently "view source" is the only way to know your privacy is not private.

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Barbara – Go home, you’re drunk!

How about being more specific



It’s NOT a total shutdown as you said and we will NOT default either. ONLY if your lord and savior Obamagod does so.

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Liberals try to lie. BUSTED


Liberals try to lie. BUSTED


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North Andover High School–SUCKS

This over achiever did the right thing, it was not ANYTHING to do with school yet the school punishes her.

People find a way to home school, “public” school has been to far-reaching for to long.

Did the right thing.


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Who is on your contact list? The NSA knows.

Click the pic.


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Coming, soon to a page near you ???

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Skelletor wins a trophy !!!

Women’s Hall of Fame


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Bill Press I think you are an enemy of the state

Bill Press I believe is a clown too

Apparently this clown does not understand government. Congress is given the power to approve funding and once approved it goes to the senate to be signed off on.

So yes we can approve each thing as necessary, there is NO such thing as a “clean” CR (continuing resolution)

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This is what debt looks like, all 17,000,000,000,000 (trillion)


NO they don’t take CHECKS!


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Blame Obama AGAIN

This is how the collapse of America starts, turn of welfare cards and then social security. One out of two is a start.




Side comment: Can hungry people riot? Eventually not.

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Again parents of children in high school, what assignments are YOUR kids being given?



You say just an assignment, I say death panels

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Parent of High Schoolers – find out what your kids are learning


In high school? Really?

I don’t care if this play is a Tony Award winning, these kids should not be exposed to things like this. A college play fine.

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DO NOT COMPLY to political correctness.


“political correctness” came from Russia and other like minded countries. While it sounds nice it’s history is to reeducate it’s citizens to believe as the government does. Look it up.

DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN to your school.

”Students have a petition to reinstate the song. They have gathered roughly 600 signatures.” Good for them, I hope they win.

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White House, IRS exchanged confidential taxpayer info

I believe that this IS against the law.

This is YOUR tax collector

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Transparent my FOOT!!!!!!

Control Freak!!!!!Mr. Top Secret to you, minion

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