Category: USELESS People

This category contains people who have done something to ruin something for the rest of us.

Famous Actor Gets Into Yet Another Fight with Photographer in NYC

Photos: Famous Actor Gets Into Yet Another Fight with Photographer in NYC

You would actually let this man impregnate you?  Have you not seen his past behavior?

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Study: Welfare pays more than minimum wage in most states | Fox News

Study: Welfare pays more than minimum wage in most states | Fox News.

No comment as it angers me enough.

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Federal Judge Rules Food Stamp Recipients Can Unionize

RealClearMarkets – Federal Judge Rules Food Stamp Recipients Can Unionize.

Free LOADERS UNITE! Seriously? How is this going to help ANYONE but the unions? Buehler? Buehler?

How about get a job? North Dakota is hiring and training people in gas pipeline and related needs. McDonalds or Walmart I can’t recall paying 14+ an hour, pipeline jobs 100,000. Unemployment in North Dakota is under 4%.

People the rest of the country could be like this someday.

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Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians”

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” .

Just add Cass Sunstein and I think we have the big players. There are many others but this 11 is a huge start.

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Are We Serious About Education?

Are We Serious About Education? – Capitalism Magazine.

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Mystery of Samantha Power’s Whereabouts During Emergency Syria Meeting Solved |

Mystery of Samantha Power’s Whereabouts During Emergency Syria Meeting Solved |

If you’re not present you can’t take any blame, well other NOT DOING YOUR JOB! Just another loser holding an office position.

Heck this administration doesn’t have a foreign policy other than maybe “duck and cover-up”.

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21-Year-Old Transgender Woman Dies Five Days After Brutal Beating on NYC Street |

21-Year-Old Transgender Woman Dies Five Days After Brutal Beating on NYC Street |

Hey Bloomberg you piece of work, real gun laws may have saved this woman. The city is already broke but heck sue them anyway for not allowing a person to defend themselves.

Note: This could be Obama’s daughter.

I am not making fun of her or what happen, I am mocking the president because it’s easy to pick on racists.

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Arrest Warrants Issued for Two Suspects After They Allegedly Set Memphis Man on Fire in Ruthless Attack |

Arrest Warrants Issued for Two Suspects After They Allegedly Set Memphis Man on Fire in Ruthless Attack |

LOOK more animals in the news!!

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Here Are the Two Teens Accused of Savagely Beating 88-Year-Old WWII Veteran to Death | Video |

Here Are the Two Teens Accused of Savagely Beating 88-Year-Old WWII Veteran to Death | Video |

Who raised these animals? I think if you kill a vet and it is NOT self defense you should be immediately put to death. Not sitting in jail for years etc, just click and dead.

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You Can Probably Guess How the Story of the Woman Riding Her Motorcycle Topless, With No Hands and Screaming at Cars Ends — and You’d Only Be Half Right | Video |

You Can Probably Guess How the Story of the Woman Riding Her Motorcycle Topless, With No Hands and Screaming at Cars Ends — and You’d Only Be Half Right | Video |

Dumb Human alert – remember these people vote 🙁

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Al Sharpton on Chris Lane Killing: ‘Nothing to Protest’ Because It Wasn’t ‘Racial’ and ‘System Worked’ | Video |

Al Sharpton on Chris Lane Killing: ‘Nothing to Protest’ Because It Wasn’t ‘Racial’ and ‘System Worked’ | Video |

Hypocritical piece of garbage.

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San Diego Mayor Bob Filner Resigns – and Now He’s Target of Criminal Investigation |

San Diego Mayor Bob Filner Resigns – and Now He’s Target of Criminal Investigation |

Well it’s one step towards a cleaner city. Can’t we just take the people of the Socialist Republic of California and ship them to North Korea?

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Defense Department Education Materials Warn of ‘Extremists’ That Speak of ‘Individual Liberties, States’ Rights, and How to Make the World a Better Place’ |

Defense Department Education Materials Warn of ‘Extremists’ That Speak of ‘Individual Liberties, States’ Rights, and How to Make the World a Better Place’ |

WOW an “extremist” ? Really?

So believe in the Constitution – EXTREMIST?

Believe in being responsible for oneself – EXTREMIST

Have values and morals (whether believing in God or not) – EXTREMIST

Remember the “good old days”?

Name ONE country where people flee to if and when they can?  USA

Name ONE country that you can arrive with next to nothing and can end up creating and owning a multi-million or even billion dollar company? USA

Track Question: Name ONE country that was a leader in most things and is now basically a leader in nothing good?  USA

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Conservative Blogs Are Like Nazi Propaganda, Dem Rep. Says |

Conservative Blogs Are Like Nazi Propaganda, Dem Rep. Says |

Fact: People who still use the term “extreme right wing” are communist or socialist.

Opinion: If there is an “extreme right wing” group out there, they are so small that we never here from them.

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Obama Screws Up Name During Speech and Is Called Out by Shouting Crowd | Video |

“This is what happens when you get to be 52 years old,” Obama said.

via Obama Screws Up Name During Speech and Is Called Out by Shouting Crowd | Video |

Maybe not an epic fail but I am still going to call it EPIC FAIL.

As for this comment, ““This is what happens when you get to be 52 years old,” Obama said.”  Maybe we should have him checked out

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89-Year-Old WWII Veteran Beaten to Death by Two Teens in Parking Lot; Suspect Photos Released | Video |

89-Year-Old WWII Veteran Beaten to Death by Two Teens in Parking Lot; Suspect Photos Released | Video |


Hey Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton how come you monsters aren’t appalled by this?  O that’s right only if it’s white on black crime.

Hey Obama you other piece of garbage, this guy was a VET who fought for MY country and you are silent.


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‘Violent Crime Will Go Up’ If Stop and Frisk Abandoned, NYC Police Commissioner Says | Video |

‘Violent Crime Will Go Up’ If Stop and Frisk Abandoned, NYC Police Commissioner Says | Video |

Really? Why because random Stop and Frisk will scare criminals to stay home?  Are you a fear-monger?  Do you think your are Kim Jong Il or his son?

How about taking your stupid gun laws off the books, carry conceal will scare more people.

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly – you are a useless citizen

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‘Children of God Will Die’: MSNBC Host Says Only ‘Phony Christians’ Oppose ObamaCare | Video |

‘Children of God Will Die’: MSNBC Host Says Only ‘Phony Christians’ Oppose ObamaCare | Video |

Ed Schultz are you still breathing? You’re old enough to have “rationed healthcare” per Robert Reich, Obama’s right hand man.

So Ed you might want to get “with” the program you tool of a fool.

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University Fires Professor Who Had Sex in Public With a Student |

University Fires Professor Who Had Sex in Public With a Student |

Your tax dollars at work!. Remember that student loans come from our tax dollars.

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Horrible Freak Accident: Girl, 9, Dies After Wind Gust Lifts Backyard Trampoline She Was Sitting On, Sending It Flying 150 Feet Away | Video |

Horrible Freak Accident: Girl, 9, Dies After Wind Gust Lifts Backyard Trampoline She Was Sitting On, Sending It Flying 150 Feet Away | Video |

Now before ya go and ban trampolines and get your underwear in a bunch, just take this simple precaution. Dig a pit around the trampoline AT LEAST half as deep as the trampoline is tall. Or make it at the same level as your year. If you fall off you have a shorter distance to ground and wind can not take your precious baby away.

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