Common Core Caucus

So ex-Hillary staffers created the app that was used in the Iowa caucus. The company name Shadow Co. (nice job on the name). The app was developed in 2 months.

So America think, these are the people who changed our government school education. These are the people who want to run everything in your life, healthcare, college etc.

Politics is NOT about the people running, it’s about what they want to do with the country.

The Democrat party typically wants power, they want to run everything. Green New Deal?

Historically government fails at running things, a.k.a Amtrak (loses money every year for over 10 years), ACA (Obamacare – website crashed, deductibles went way up though promised they would go down).

The Republican party assuming that the person in the party is actually a conservative wants to lower taxes, pro economy (when everyone is working the country as a whole is better)

So do you want to be told what you can have? or would you rather have a job and make your own choice?

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