January 6th, 2021

If you are a smart person who does not need to race to be wrong, then like me you can write about things when most of the real information has surfaced. I rather provide as much truth about something unless I am truly writing as commentary.

First thing is first – J6 Had the right intentions but went bad.
Secondly – Donald Trump did not call for storming the Capitol, or an insurrection. He clearly said to march “peacefully and patriotically”.
Thirdly – No police officers were killed that day. 1 died 5 days later due to health issues and not from the riot.
Fourth – Ashley Babbitt was the only causality that day, she was shot by a Capitol Police Officer.

So some ABC producers were asked to help with the J6 Committee Hearings, and many thought that this was similar to a trial and Donald was going to be perp-walked out and off to jail. This was what I call political theater, it’s a thing that typically Democrats do because the average American voter knows very little about American civics. So they use that to make you think that someone did something wrong and they are bad and should be cast away from society.

Now I don’t know everything about government and civics, but I listen to good sources who I have vetted what they have said and it aligns with the Constitution and or current laws on the books.

Sorry so back to the J6 “mini-series”, so some ABC producers choreographed for lack of a better word the must-day show. Apparently the videos they showed were only seen by the politicians staff and not themselves, so they claim. So they took their word and tried to show a bunch of people of the political opposition that they were going to take over the Government. This is the first place where you should have called bullshit, even a few thousand people, unarmed are going to take over the Capitol. If Capitol Police could not handle it the National Guard would have been called up as we have seen from riots in other cities. So the unarmed are going to win over armed? Ha!

The riot lasted about 2 hours and by the next day for more political theater, they put a fence around the Capitol, to put a visually planted image in your head that we should fear it possibly happening again. O by the way, the riot was never going to change anything as the election certification had already happened and this was just a ceremonial proceeding as it’s done after every Presidential election.

There was reporting and commentary by Eric Swalwell that Josh Hawley who had a fist up in one picture and running from people in another was a #lie. The fist picture was from I believe months earlier when either a bill or something went his way. The picture of him “running” was that Capitol Police were grabbing all of the members to take shelter, he was not running for fear of his life and if he was, you too would run when outnumbered. Side-note: When Antifa and BLM were rioting outside the Capitol they grabbed Donald Trump to seek shelter. Yet the uninformed called him a coward, again because people who don’t know, will hear something and believe it.

Then there was the talk about geo-fencing and the argument that it wasn’t used, but we eventually learned that it was and even in the movie 2000 Mules that I have not yet seen, sorry Dinesh. So they found I think it was about 5000 people that were on a “list” and eventually they illegally jailed over 200 people. Side-note: The last time people were illegally interred in America was the Japanese-Americans by Democrats. So these people who have been mostly not charged with anything have been locked up in solitary confinement for 2 years. Think about sitting in an empty room for 23 hours a day with nothing but your thoughts? What do you think they will be like when they either go to trail and or released?

Now here is where I was different on this, I suspected that this was an inside job and I took a little heat but I am also a very small twitter channel? Well every day we are learning that I was right 2 years ago. There has been so much vitriol against Donald Trump and MAGA which to me was a more proper and tighter version of the Tea Party. Which historically were very peaceful and when their rallies were over the place looked better than before. So I knew if DT asked for something specific it would be regarded as such and nothing bad would happen. So when I saw people climbing on the Capitol and breaking windows, I knew something that up and not the behavior of the MAGA people. Like many I listened to the news and my sources and the news was pushing an agenda and my sources were mostly skeptical and reporting very little until they felt like that had a more accurate report to provide.

I suspect that the J6 prisoners will eventually sue the government and get huge settlements eventually. The J6 committee and others should be dragged into court, all emails and documents should be provided to the public for us to read as well. They did release the 41000 hours of video to Fox and last I heard it will be to the public, so I am sure there will be a repeat of a false narrative and edited video propagated. So far it’s pretty amazing what we saw before the release by Kevin McCarthy.

I don’t care what your politics are, please don’t blindly believe what you are being told, it can be hard to research and get the truth. You can search on about anything about a republican on Google and as many as the first 3-6 pages will be mostly the same message with a spin on the words. Look for something that contains the opposite of what the majority headings are.

The American government is supposed to work for US, what they are doing is working against US, yet we let them divide US so they can keep ruining our country.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/january-6th-2021/

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