Lemon and Fredo want you deprogrammed


These 2 clowns want to “deprogram” conservatives? Funny all I have seen from #BLM #Antifa is “brownshirt” operations. Also, there are “mask-brownshirts” who will report you or go all “Karen” on you for not wearing a mask.

brownshirt – The Sturmabteilung: Hitler’s Unofficial Army Of Thugs Literally ‘Storm Unit,’ the SA was once a group of specialized troops under Imperial Germany — until Hitler assembled them en masse to intimidate his political opponents.

As I will make mention in many future posts Democrats will call you a “Nazi” or a “fascist” yet they will be the ones acting as such. I think they do this because there is still a very large percentage of people who don’t know history, or just “swallow” whatever their idiot-box (TV) tells them.

If you are a democrat reading this listen to Dan Bongino, Ben Shapiro, read Real Clear Politics or Just the News.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/lemon-and-fredo-want-you-deprogrammed/

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