Al Sharpton on Chris Lane Killing: ‘Nothing to Protest’ Because It Wasn’t ‘Racial’ and ‘System Worked’ | Video |

Al Sharpton on Chris Lane Killing: ‘Nothing to Protest’ Because It Wasn’t ‘Racial’ and ‘System Worked’ | Video | Hypocritical piece of garbage.

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San Diego Mayor Bob Filner Resigns – and Now He’s Target of Criminal Investigation |

San Diego Mayor Bob Filner Resigns – and Now He’s Target of Criminal Investigation | Well it’s one step towards a cleaner city. Can’t we just take the people of the Socialist Republic of California and ship them to North Korea?

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Defense Department Education Materials Warn of ‘Extremists’ That Speak of ‘Individual Liberties, States’ Rights, and How to Make the World a Better Place’ |

Defense Department Education Materials Warn of ‘Extremists’ That Speak of ‘Individual Liberties, States’ Rights, and How to Make the World a Better Place’ | WOW an “extremist” ? Really? So believe in the Constitution – EXTREMIST? Believe in being responsible for oneself – EXTREMIST Have values and morals (whether believing in God or not) …

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Conservative Blogs Are Like Nazi Propaganda, Dem Rep. Says |

Conservative Blogs Are Like Nazi Propaganda, Dem Rep. Says | Fact: People who still use the term “extreme right wing” are communist or socialist. Opinion: If there is an “extreme right wing” group out there, they are so small that we never here from them.

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Obama Screws Up Name During Speech and Is Called Out by Shouting Crowd | Video |

“This is what happens when you get to be 52 years old,” Obama said. via Obama Screws Up Name During Speech and Is Called Out by Shouting Crowd | Video | Maybe not an epic fail but I am still going to call it EPIC FAIL. As for this comment, ““This is what happens …

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89-Year-Old WWII Veteran Beaten to Death by Two Teens in Parking Lot; Suspect Photos Released | Video |

89-Year-Old WWII Veteran Beaten to Death by Two Teens in Parking Lot; Suspect Photos Released | Video |   Hey Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton how come you monsters aren’t appalled by this?  O that’s right only if it’s white on black crime. Hey Obama you other piece of garbage, this guy was a …

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How a Lost Phone and a Group of Skateboarders Ended Up Showing That Kindness Still Exists in This World | Video |

How a Lost Phone and a Group of Skateboarders Ended Up Showing That Kindness Still Exists in This World | Video | Wow another “good” story today!!   I say thanks to the kids and give props to the parents.

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A ‘Drummer Wanted’ Ad Has Never Been Answered By Anyone Better Than Dean Zimmer |

A ‘Drummer Wanted’ Ad Has Never Been Answered By Anyone Better Than Dean Zimmer | Dean Zimmer…. you may have seen him at a concert and didn’t know how his daily life is. Dean you’re an inspiration to all of us!

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‘Violent Crime Will Go Up’ If Stop and Frisk Abandoned, NYC Police Commissioner Says | Video |

‘Violent Crime Will Go Up’ If Stop and Frisk Abandoned, NYC Police Commissioner Says | Video | Really? Why because random Stop and Frisk will scare criminals to stay home?  Are you a fear-monger?  Do you think your are Kim Jong Il or his son? How about taking your stupid gun laws off the …

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‘Children of God Will Die’: MSNBC Host Says Only ‘Phony Christians’ Oppose ObamaCare | Video |

‘Children of God Will Die’: MSNBC Host Says Only ‘Phony Christians’ Oppose ObamaCare | Video | Ed Schultz are you still breathing? You’re old enough to have “rationed healthcare” per Robert Reich, Obama’s right hand man. So Ed you might want to get “with” the program you tool of a fool.

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University Fires Professor Who Had Sex in Public With a Student |

University Fires Professor Who Had Sex in Public With a Student | Your tax dollars at work!. Remember that student loans come from our tax dollars.

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Horrible Freak Accident: Girl, 9, Dies After Wind Gust Lifts Backyard Trampoline She Was Sitting On, Sending It Flying 150 Feet Away | Video |

Horrible Freak Accident: Girl, 9, Dies After Wind Gust Lifts Backyard Trampoline She Was Sitting On, Sending It Flying 150 Feet Away | Video | Now before ya go and ban trampolines and get your underwear in a bunch, just take this simple precaution. Dig a pit around the trampoline AT LEAST half as …

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‘God Is Dead’ Drawing to Remain Displayed in Public School Classroom — Is It Art…or an Outrage? | Video |

‘God Is Dead’ Drawing to Remain Displayed in Public School Classroom — Is It Art…or an Outrage? | Video | Apparently they have not read the Bible, God is not dead and he is the only living God there is.  Take prayer out of school but have a religious play IN school? People ya …

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Obama’s Little-Known Plan to Bypass Congress and Impose a New Fee on All Cellphone Users |

Obama’s Little-Known Plan to Bypass Congress and Impose a New Fee on All Cellphone Users | Don’t let liberals lie to you. Heck I barely use my only phone (cell phone), if this goes in it might be time to toss it. Heck I tossed my TV years ago.

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Political correctness – Learn what it means and where it REALLY came from.

Political correctness – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. People you need to look things up, don’t assume that you know what something means. Don’t trust the context in which you near something. PC is NOT good and DO NOT get caught up in it. If you see a duck call it a duck.

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Law Driving Americans To Renounce Citizenship – Business Insider

Law Driving Americans To Renounce Citizenship – Business Insider. Well I am not wealthy but if I were this is something to think about.

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Tom Cotton: Mark Pryor’s Senate 2014 Challenger – Business Insider

Tom Cotton: Mark Pryor’s Senate 2014 Challenger – Business Insider. Go Tom Cotton!!!  Got to watch this guy.

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The Obama Administration’s Way Of Dealing With Marijuana Has Been Downright Disgraceful – Business Insider

The Obama Administration’s Way Of Dealing With Marijuana Has Been Downright Disgraceful – Business Insider. President FLIP-FLOP, I am also a liar is at it again. Say one thing and do another. You would think that after 5 years people who be able to know what he really means. Of that’s right Americans (62 million) …

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Testicle-Biting Red-Belied Pacu In Denmark – Business Insider

Testicle-Biting Red-Belied Pacu In Denmark – Business Insider. This fish has BALLS, are yours next??

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Here’s Why Obama’s ‘Independent’ Review Of Mass Spying Is Destined For Failure – Business Insider

Here’s Why Obama’s ‘Independent’ Review Of Mass Spying Is Destined For Failure – Business Insider. Another government EPIC FAIL!!!

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