Black lives don’t matter

So we have all been hearing this noise about “Black Lives Matter”, they have taken over a stage at a Bernie Sanders rally and talked to Hillary Clinton and protesting any place they can show up at. Well apparently these people were taught any history or cracked a book in a library they might have …

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Internment Camps 2015 U.S.A

So how do you interpret what General Wesley Clark is saying. Granted it was just an thought put out loud in a new conference. But let me ask a Clinton-ish question, define “If these people are radicalized and don’t support the United States, and they’re disloyal to the United States” – Wesley Clark Now I …

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Lives don’t matter to democrats

It’s so funny to hear Martin “the apologist” O’Malley  cower to the pressure of the audience at Netroots Nation. To me that is an early sign that he would not stick to his agreements with his constituents. He should have demanded that ALL lives matter and even add that abortion is wrong. Although that would …

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It’s a nuclear world we live in

So the Obama administration gave Iran most of everything they need to make nuclear weapons. Sure it make take a few years but in case you only watch progressive news the world is done. I know it sounds so “crying wolf”, but Iran has been saying “death to America” for years. As we have seen …

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Let me explain some things

  All of this nonsense about “trans” this and “cis” that, seriously?  Look GOD, yes I said God created you. He knew you before you were conceived believe it or not. You are either man or woman, penis = man, vagina = woman. Now if you cut it off or cover it up you are …

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This is a rare day to have!

That’s going to leave a mark!

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Agree with me or I’ll bust you!

Ben Shapiro is another one of my favorite debaters on liberal lunacy.     Tranny threatens Ben Shapiro

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Well I am glad the names were quietly released, I wouldn’t want this to be on an TV station.

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Who is Hillary Rodam Clinton?

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Here is a conservative who knows how to play “their game”

Dave Wilson!! I hope he wins the recount, then people will get an upfront seat to how things are supposed to be run. Go Dave Wilson!!!

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Clooney is loony on climate change.

“If you have 99% of doctors who tell you you are sick, and 1% that says you’re fine, you probably want to hang out…with the 99.” – George Clooney So what you are saying is that you’re a follower. Can we find a way to get 99% of Hollywood to tell him to stop acting …

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There are ANIMALS amongst us!

This animal has been arrested in…… you guessed it Chicago. An 82 year old man stopped to help her. He bumped her car in the process and she unleashed.

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This IS the real Obama

Read this and send to "friends" My classmates proudly called themselves socialists, communists, and Marxists. Even though almost all of them came from wealthy families (or perhaps because of it), they hated the rich and despised business owners. They talked about how the “white power structure” had to be dismantled, business owners bankrupted, and capitalism …

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WWII veteran has no one at funeral, until the Internet found out.

United Kingdom World War II veteran Harold Jellicoe Percival We may not know it now, but this is the last good generation of this world. We have no idea what we will miss when they are all gone. Harold Jellicoe Percival, god bless you for your service and ALL veterans.

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John McCain says no to 2016, thank God.

Really? The only thing on your radar should be to go home and stay there.

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A Massachusetts politician enter homes without a warrant

They are coming to get you. They wasn’t to come into YOUR house WITHOUT a warrant. Inspect how YOUR guns are being stored. Wait till ya read “how” they are to be stored.

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Obamacare’s Failure is Not Just a Technology Problem – Doug Reich (2013.11.03 )

Click for article.

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There is a new spy in town… SpotShot

We can hear you!!!!

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It’s a trick – get an ax!

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Speak really slow to Boehner, thank you.

Click slowly for story 🙂

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