Why do you think you deserve healthcare?

Because you’re a good person? Because it’s a right?   Because your mom told you so? Democrats (I use this because most people are SO out of tune with the country) think that everything should come from the government and only the government can do things right. Now I am not going to point out …

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Little Harry Reid–Are you actually still talking? You are Pointless!!

http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/09/28/house-republicans-to-vote-on-plan-that-delays-obamacare-one-year/ NOBODY wants the ACA / Obamacare. People that pushed it, aka the UNIONS are even running away from it. The ACA is UNconstitutional, despite what the Supreme Court. Read this Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution Amendment X The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it …

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Das Fuhrer – Is back in Middle School in Hudson Wis.

Das Fuhrer is back in school   Ok sheepel, it’s time once again to wake up, this is what the socialist/democrats do. Do something wrong and then apologize. Problem, it’s already out there and in the minds of YOUR kids. YOUR kids are NOT government soldiers, they are YOUR kids. Stopping letting schools “raise” your …

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An Up-Close Look at the Ruins of Detroit and the People Fighting to Keep the City Together

Detroit, the one time industrial heart of the United States, is in a bad way. source           This is what liberal/progressives do when trying to create their utopia. Democrats have been in control of Detroit since 1962, it was THE city in America. You can make more money living here than …

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Hillary Clinton: “I’m a modern Progressive”

As she clearly says she reveres the early Progressives, but uses the term “modern Progressive.” A “modern Progressive” seems to differ from the older style FDR-Wilson Progressives in that they have given up on engineering some abstract utopia on earth, but still have the same evangelistic zeal they had when they forced Prohibition on an …

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Progressives are Racists

In all of their efforts at collective salvation and fixing a broken society the thorny issue of race and societal fitness always rears its head. The Progressive Era of the 1920s-30s ranks in my opinion as the most racist period in American history. It was during this time the Ku Klux Klan reached its height, …

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Progressives are Statist Tyrants that Violate Individual Liberties

All forms of fascism including Progressivism are statist’ philosophies. All are atheistic like their Bolshevik cousins. As Christianity declined in the late 19th and early 20th centuries humanist’ philosophies centered on “mankind” often replaced a defeated Christian worldview. Much of this was imported into our institutions of higher learning from Europe. The state replaced god …

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Progressivism as Democratic Totalitarianism

The fact is that all fascism is simply non-Soviet socialism that maintains an appearance of private ownership. It’s also a loaded word devoid of meaning today other than to attack others. All forms of socialism sacrifice individual freedom and liberty for the “collective good.” Many make the excuse America is a “mixed” economy and not …

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So what do Progressives believe?

So what do Progressives believe? According to Michael Schwalbe (Common Dreams, May 30, 2008), a professor of sociology at North Carolina State University, you might be one if: You think health care is a basic human right, and that single-payer national health insurance is a worthwhile reform on our way toward creating a non-profit national …

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TWO Colorado State Senators Who Led Gun Control Push Find Out What Can Happen When Fed-Up Voters Take a Stand

source Useful citizens of Colorado, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/two-colorado-state-senators-who-led-gun-control-push-find-out-what-can-happen-when-fed-up-voters-take-a-stand/

Key White House Source for Moderate Syrian Rebels Argument Fired for Falsifying Academic Credentials

A researcher whose work was cited by Secretary of State John Kerry and Sen. John McCain as justification for aiding Syrian rebels has been fired for falsifying her academic credentials. source Wow a liberal that lied? Say it isn’t so….

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/key-white-house-source-for-moderate-syrian-rebels-argument-fired-for-falsifying-academic-credentials/

This Brutal Montage Highlights the White House Confusing Stance on Syria

If you’re confused by the White House’s constantly evolving stance on the crisis in Syria, you’re not alone. source You have to love this!!!

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/this-brutal-montage-highlights-the-white-house-confusing-stance-on-syria/

New IRS Rule Goes After Automatic Tips For Waiters

The Internal Revenue Service in 2014 will enforce a new rule that will require restaurants to recognize automatic gratuities added to large parties as taxable wages and not as tips. source

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/new-irs-rule-goes-after-automatic-tips-for-waiters-2/

Tragic: College Freshman Dies Alone After Giving Birth in Dorm Room

The family of a 19-year-old college freshman found dead in her dorm room after giving birth this week said they didn’t even know she was pregnant and she didn’t either. source Very sad, my heart goes to her family and friends.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/tragic-college-freshman-dies-alone-after-giving-birth-in-dorm-room/

Preschool Teacher Removed From Classroom After Playing Touching Tongue Game With Student

A preschool teacher has been removed from the classroom after allegedly playing a “touching tongue game” with a student in February. source Makes me ILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/preschool-teacher-removed-from-classroom-after-playing-touching-tongue-game-with-student/

Bachmann: I Was Cheering In Front of TV As Military Overthrew Former Egyptian President Morsi

Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said she was cheering in front of her television screen as the Egyptian military overthrew President Mohamed Morsi earlier this year, in a new video obtained by TheBlaze. source

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/bachmann-i-was-cheering-in-front-of-tv-as-military-overthrew-former-egyptian-president-morsi/

No More Flip-Flops, Cut-Off Jeans, or Sex-Slogan T-Shirts at This School District; But Dress Code Isn’t for Students

When was the last time you heard of a public school teacher needing a reminder to don underwear before entering the classroom? source

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/no-more-flip-flops-cut-off-jeans-or-sex-slogan-t-shirts-at-this-school-district-but-dress-code-isnt-for-students/

Why So Many Celebs Silent on Syria? Left-Wing Actor Says They Fear Anti-Black Label by Being Opposed to Obama

Actor Mike Farrell of MASH fame agrees with Anser: I’m frankly deeply disappointed in the president’s foreign policy, war-making, his reliance on military rather then diplomatic responses, his use of drones, continued allowance of the Guantanamo prison. He’s a disappointment to me and other people I know. source

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/why-so-many-celebs-silent-on-syria-left-wing-actor-says-they-fear-anti-black-label-by-being-opposed-to-obama/

I Hate White People: Random Racial Rampage in New York Leaves One Man Brain Dead

The New York City Police Department?s NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating a savage attack that took place Wednesday afternoon in Union Square, after witnesses say a man vowed to attack white people before assaulting multiple individuals and leaving one man brain dead. source

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/i-hate-white-people-random-racial-rampage-in-new-york-leaves-one-man-brain-dead/

Texas Politician Says State is Preparing to Become ‘Independent Nation’ In Case Union ‘Falls Apart’

http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/09/07/texas-politician-says-state-is-preparing-to-become-independent-nation-in-case-union-falls-apart/ Save me an acre!!!!

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/texas-politician-says-state-is-preparing-to-become-independent-nation-in-case-union-falls-apart/

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