Another beat down in California   Didn’t even have to click on the link, I knew this was in California..

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Twerking can burn you!

Twerking can cause burns.

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Thomas Sowell on Syria

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Get all of your amnesty information here This has gone on too long. You either come through the front door or stay home.

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Liberals Lie Again Professor’s Anti-Republican Classroom Tirade Caught on Video: ‘They Are a Bunch of Dead White People’ Who ‘Raped’ the Country

Professor’s Anti-Republican Classroom Tirade Caught on Video: ‘They Are a Bunch of Dead White People’ Who ‘Raped’ the Country | Video | Awe a little commie-liberal speaks of lies, nothing new here just rhetoric lies repeated like a broken record.

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Man Gets Rare Chance to Exact Calculated Revenge on Thief – and He Makes the Absolute Most Out of It

Man Gets Rare Chance to Exact Calculated Revenge on Thief – and He Makes the Absolute Most Out of It | EPIC WIN!!!!

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How I Live on Less Than $40,000 A Year

How I Live on Less Than $40,000 A Year – Business Insider. Learn early and follow through!!!

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Awesome: Mystery Diner Pays for Family’s Meal and Leaves Behind an Incredibly Touching Note

Mystery Diner Pays for Family’s Meal and Leaves Behind an Incredibly Touching Note | Great Story of the day!!

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Update: The Tough Guy Ex-Wrestler and His Special Needs Daughter Have a Major Update for You

The Tough Guy Ex-Wrestler and His Special Needs Daughter Have a Major Update for You | A great update to a wonderful story.

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Debbie Wasserman Schultz: ‘Dozens’ of Countries Back Obama in Syria…I Just Can’t Tell You Who They Are

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: ‘Dozens’ of Countries Back Obama in Syria…I Just Can’t Tell You Who They Are | Video | Look America another dumb liberal is flapping it’s mouth, can only mean one thing. She is lying about something.

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AT&T users, your cell phone is a rat!

Drug Agents Can Access 26 Years of AT&T Phone Records, Program Reveals |

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1-Year-Old Boy in Stroller Shot in the Head and Killed | Video |

1-Year-Old Boy in Stroller Shot in the Head and Killed | Video |   WTH? This is completely WRONG. Don’t try to make this about guns, this is about the moral DECAY of the country end of story!

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McCain Says Congress Blocking Strike on Syria ‘Would Be Catastrophic’

McCain Says Congress Blocking Strike on Syria ‘Would Be Catastrophic’ | John McStain, please sit down and be quiet. We do not need to go to Syria, or Yemen or anywhere else. We need to come home, rest, regroup and reload. We need to focus on the home front and OUR country first.

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Teen Admits to Stabbing 22-Year-Old Man to Death Because He ‘Had a Hard Day’ and ‘Wanted to Kill the First Person He Saw’

Mychal King admitted to via Teen Admits to Stabbing 22-Year-Old Man to Death Because He ‘Had a Hard Day’ and ‘Wanted to Kill the First Person He Saw’ | Video | As usual where is the outrage by anyone? Al Sharpton? J Jackson? Buehler? Buehler? With everything going on now days I think we …

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Obama Not Legally Obligated to Release White House Visitors Log For 12 Years, Rules Federal Court |

Obama Not Legally Obligated to Release White House Visitors Log For 12 Years, Rules Federal Court | Isn’t this “OUR” government, or well it used to be. Yea he is the most transparent president ever, so transparent that you never see him except on the golf course or on vacation. I speculate 12 years …

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Big-Time Producer’s Bold Reaction to Michael Moore Being Ousted From Academy Position

Big-Time Producer’s Bold Reaction to Michael Moore Being Ousted From Academy Position |   Well I am glad this finally came through. To me if you are actively making entertainment you should not be on the council. Yes others are and it’s their box of toys. As one commenter said “Michael no Moore”, I …

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Liberal Small Business Owner, Once an Obamacare Supporter, Now Rips Program Costs: ‘It’s Gigantically Troublesome to Me’ |

Liberal Small Business Owner, Once an Obamacare Supporter, Now Rips Program Costs: ‘It’s Gigantically Troublesome to Me’ | I would like to thank the 62 million USEless citizens who voted for Obama. It’s said that this guy stop drinking the cool-aid to late. Stop believing that the government can or has to make things …

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Watch Students at This Week’s March on Washington Claim Free Condoms Are a ‘Constitutional Right’

Watch Students at This Week’s March on Washington Claim Free Condoms Are a ‘Constitutional Right’ | Video | EPIC AMERICAN FAILURE!!! If you can’t understand the difference between a right and a privilege and obviously read the constitution (posted on this site), you ought to go back to the fifth grade and  start school …

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Does Seeing President Obama’s Foot on the Oval Office Desk Make Your Blood Boil? |

Does Seeing President Obama’s Foot on the Oval Office Desk Make Your Blood Boil? | I understand the feet on the desk or a table, but the office deserves respect regardless of who you are.  

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Syrians Should Launch Preemptive Strike on American Targets, Says Syrian Minister

Syrians Should Launch Preemptive Strike on American Targets, Says Syrian Minister | Another EPIC FAILURE! Obama, so when you are not sure what to do Congress has to “help” but the rest of the time you think you know better and just do what you want. So I wonder if the Dems will turncoat …

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