Tag: and again in 2012 when you reelected me to stay the course. I intend to keep that promise despite the protracted economic turmoil caused by fringe elements of the Republican Party who refuse to take a

Federal Judge Rules Food Stamp Recipients Can Unionize

RealClearMarkets – Federal Judge Rules Food Stamp Recipients Can Unionize.

Free LOADERS UNITE! Seriously? How is this going to help ANYONE but the unions? Buehler? Buehler?

How about get a job? North Dakota is hiring and training people in gas pipeline and related needs. McDonalds or Walmart I can’t recall paying 14+ an hour, pipeline jobs 100,000. Unemployment in North Dakota is under 4%.

People the rest of the country could be like this someday.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/federal-judge-rules-food-stamp-recipients-can-unionize/

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