Tag: communist

An Up-Close Look at the Ruins of Detroit and the People Fighting to Keep the City Together

An Up-Close Look at the Ruins of Detroit and the People Fighting to Keep the City TogetherDetroit, the one time industrial heart of the United States, is in a bad way.






This is what liberal/progressives do when trying to create their utopia. Democrats have been in control of Detroit since 1962, it was THE city in America. You can make more money living here than most if not any other city in America. 50 years later it’s gone from 1.8 Million people to just 700,000. Some parts of the city you have a 1 in 4 chance of being a victim, check that against the stats in other foreign countries. Go and find some real history of Detroit and you will see that communist and socialist ran most of this city.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/an-up-close-look-at-the-ruins-of-detroit-and-the-people-fighting-to-keep-the-city-together/

Political correctness – Learn what it means and where it REALLY came from.

Political correctness – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

People you need to look things up, don’t assume that you know what something means. Don’t trust the context in which you near something.

PC is NOT good and DO NOT get caught up in it. If you see a duck call it a duck.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/political-correctness-learn-what-it-means-and-where-it-really-came-from/

Accountable Congress — a project of Americans United for Change

Accountable Congress — a project of Americans United for Change.

Awe LOOK EVERYONE the socialist and communist are going to crash GOP events. I am sure it will be peaceful and there will not be any trash laying around or Code Pink won’t show up. I am sure they will hold candles and sing songs in low tones. Mostly we won’t see signs of “I stand for Trayvon”.

I know if a rally was near me I would go with literature with FACTS and lists of websites where these over educated self important people could learn that they are wrong and have been sheeple for TOO LONG.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/accountable-congress-a-project-of-americans-united-for-change/

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