Tag: cost

Air bags are the death of cars

So i have been binge watching “dash cam videos”, these are typically cameras placed on the dashboard or windshield of a vehicle and it records what’s in front of the vehicle.

At first I was watching these as a personal test to see where the accident was going to take place and I did pretty well. The of course there is a video that comes up and catches something almost of a view due to the resizing on Youtube.

Many of the videos have short summaries in the short segment of that part of the video. I usually read them since they sometimes would provide details about their car and the cost to fix it etc.

So for example I would see a video of a say 5 year old car getting”skimmed” I call it this as this is usually when a bumper is tore off in a collision and maybe the grill and a headlight is taken with it.

Having worked on car my whole life as a hobby I know the work entailed and I can call any body shop and get their hourly rate with or without insurance.

I also know that every state in the union has a TVL (Total Vehicle Loss) and that there is a formula to figure out if it’s totaled or not.

Now depending on what car you have and how many airbags it has will most likely be the real reason your car will be considered as totaled.

Just replacing air bags in a car, re calibrating the system, replacing any sensors or control modules can be between $2000 – $7000. Many people will as “if the air bags deploy in the my is it totaled”. Well to me it is since airbags are so expensive to replace and more so since the dealership or auto body place will be the people replacing them.

If there was away you could either supply your own parts or do it yourself you would more often than not get to keep your car.

Think about it, you’re driving down the road, in the lane next to you has come to an abrupt stop. Someone who is not paying attention at the last minute dives over to your lane and smashes into your car. Sure it’s their fault, if you can prove it or have a dash cam that can speak on your behalf. Still we go back to step one, how many air bags deployed, how bad is the damage and what is the car worth.

I think this is crap you did nothing wrong and now your out a car and most likely back into car payments. Maybe your car was paid off, and now you are back in payments? Maybe you got so little for your car that you have to buy a used car and who knows what trouble that will bring you.

Maybe people are going to hit people should train themselves to stay in their lane, or if you do swerve there is some substantial payment due to who you hit?

I don’t have the answer but I am sure many of you have been in this position.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/air-bags-are-the-death-of-cars/

Why do you think you deserve healthcare?

Because you’re a good person?

Because it’s a right?


Because your mom told you so?

Democrats (I use this because most people are SO out of tune with the country) think that everything should come from the government and only the government can do things right. Now I am not going to point out the governments failures, I am simply going to show you an example.

You a hard working person, you arrive on time, maybe state late if needed, or help others with a task etc. For this cost of your time, you get a paycheck, maybe a 401k to put money in, health benefits, heck maybe even some paid time off.

I sit at home and troll over the Internet, watch TV, maybe take a nap. Maybe on a good day I might even cut the lawn. Now I am healthy, a little over weight, I have college degree.

So now I have a lawn mower accident and need to have an ambulance come get me, paramedics to keep me stable till I arrive at the hospital. Then there is the x-ray technician to see how bad I hurt myself, maybe a cast, medications etc..

So do you want to pay for this? I hope your answer is HELL NO!


And you should not “have” to pay for it either.

WordPress Tags: person,Democrats,government,governments,failures,example,task,cost,paycheck,money,health,Internet,Maybe,lawn,college,degree,accident,hospital,technician,medications,HELL

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/why-do-you-think-you-deserve-healthcare/

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