Tag: @ElizabethWarren @liberals @progressives @democrats #abortion #openborders #liesof the left

O Elizabeth Warren when will you say something that is truth

Elizabeth Warren and most of the liberal screamers and of course the media all go on and on about babies, toddlers and kids being “ripped” from their mothers, parents etc, held in cages like animals.
Well, it’s a LIE, yes LIE.  First off its camera angles and it’s been proven. Secondly, the conditions were worse under your buddy Barack Obama. #2014
Seriously?  Why is it that these babies don’t matter?

Hey, liberals if you would stop killing your voters you wouldn’t need open borders, DACA, full amnesty etc.  “In 2014, 652,639 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas” – CDC
That is a lot of votes your pissing away but you don’t care, you want people who can vote NOW and often.

It’s said that liberals are so evil and compassionate, maybe there is something to liberalism is a mental disease.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/o-elizabeth-warren-when-will-you-say-something-that-is-truth/

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