Tag: gallup poll

Liberals hate America, it depends on who is the President


I wish Liberals would learn to “feel” less and think more. Sure I did not care for Barack as my President, but I did not like my country any less. Actually, I liked my country the same and I disliked what that eight years did to her.

If you can hate a country based on its President then maybe you should consider dual citizenship and migrate when you are happy with who the President is.

I love my country, it’s the best country with the most opportunity anywhere.

I love when some leftist, liberal, progressive says “if you don’t like it leave”. Why should I leave there are 190 other countries for you to pick from that have various levels of capitalism, socialism, fascism. You’re the one with the issue, I like the country the way it is.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/liberals-hate-america-it-depends-on-who-is-the-president/

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