Tag: George Bush

More uninformed people – laugh, but they vote!!

“Working isn’t working for me I need my free food”

4 years later Bush still gets blamed. Liberal media doing it’s job!

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/more-uninformed-people-laugh-but-they-vote/

Syrians Should Launch Preemptive Strike on American Targets, Says Syrian Minister

Syrians Should Launch Preemptive Strike on American Targets, Says Syrian Minister | TheBlaze.com.

Another EPIC FAILURE! Obama, so when you are not sure what to do Congress has to “help” but the rest of the time you think you know better and just do what you want.

So I wonder if the Dems will turncoat when whatever the final decision is made and it goes bad?

Hillary, Joe Biden we all behind George Bush and then when it started to look like they were not going to find WMD’s they turncoated and and became against the administration.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/syrians-should-launch-preemptive-strike-on-american-targets-says-syrian-minister/

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