Tag: government

Why do you think you deserve healthcare?

Because you’re a good person?

Because it’s a right?


Because your mom told you so?

Democrats (I use this because most people are SO out of tune with the country) think that everything should come from the government and only the government can do things right. Now I am not going to point out the governments failures, I am simply going to show you an example.

You a hard working person, you arrive on time, maybe state late if needed, or help others with a task etc. For this cost of your time, you get a paycheck, maybe a 401k to put money in, health benefits, heck maybe even some paid time off.

I sit at home and troll over the Internet, watch TV, maybe take a nap. Maybe on a good day I might even cut the lawn. Now I am healthy, a little over weight, I have college degree.

So now I have a lawn mower accident and need to have an ambulance come get me, paramedics to keep me stable till I arrive at the hospital. Then there is the x-ray technician to see how bad I hurt myself, maybe a cast, medications etc..

So do you want to pay for this? I hope your answer is HELL NO!


And you should not “have” to pay for it either.

WordPress Tags: person,Democrats,government,governments,failures,example,task,cost,paycheck,money,health,Internet,Maybe,lawn,college,degree,accident,hospital,technician,medications,HELL

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/why-do-you-think-you-deserve-healthcare/

Das Fuhrer – Is back in Middle School in Hudson Wis.

Das Fuhrer is back in school


Ok sheepel, it’s time once again to wake up, this is what the socialist/democrats do. Do something wrong and then apologize. Problem, it’s already out there and in the minds of YOUR kids. YOUR kids are NOT government soldiers, they are YOUR kids. Stopping letting schools “raise” your kids with THEIR values.

Call your schools on the carpet, take them to court if need be, they will rollover like beach balls.

Join the school board, get involved and “Change” OUR schools for the better of OUR kids.


WordPress Tags: Fuhrer,Middle,School,Hudson,democrats,Problem,government,Call,carpet,beach,balls,Join,Change

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/das-fuhrergoes-to-middle-school-in-hudson-wis/

U.S. Postal Service May Be Forced to Close for the Winter | Video | TheBlaze.com

U.S. Postal Service May Be Forced to Close for the Winter | Video | TheBlaze.com.

The Post Office is a joke, the chart clearly shows it can NEVER be solved or solvent. Look people I am all for unions when needed BUT it is no longer needed. Pensions are a thing of the past unless re designed, people live longer and health care for those retired is not cheap. (Do NOT say Obamacare).

Look at the chart people, assume that the chart is accurate. You CAN NOT spend more than you take in. This is economics 101, you make $500 a week, you can not spend $700. Also remember that this chart is in BILLIONS. Also take note that we pay for the post office by stamps and shipping PLUS money given to them the federal government (aka OUR tax dollars).

I saw stop Saturday delivery, close for the winter for all I care. I do 98% of my bills/mail via electronic, time for to big to fail to just fail and move on.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/u-s-postal-service-may-be-forced-to-close-for-the-winter-video-theblaze-com/

Student Loan Rates Double Due to Washington Inaction | Video | TheBlaze.com

Student Loan Rates Double Due to Washington Inaction | Video | TheBlaze.com.

This is what happens when people want the “government to take care of them”. Prices goes up, eventually then taxes go up, people default on the loans etc etc.

Let the banks make the loans, or maybe make people have 20% down like buying a car or house. If people have no vested interest in what they are paying for then they don’t care.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/student-loan-rates-double-due-to-washington-inaction-video-theblaze-com/

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