Tag: homeless

Internet Floods Charity With Donations After Heartwarming Act of Kindness | TheBlaze.com

Internet Floods Charity With Donations After Heartwarming Act of Kindness | TheBlaze.com.

Good Story of the Day – Mohawk Guy of Oklahoma!!!

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/internet-floods-charity-with-donations-after-heartwarming-act-of-kindness-theblaze-com/

California Law May Grant Homeless People the ‘Right’ To Urinate on Sidewalks | Video | TheBlaze.com

California Law May Grant Homeless People the ‘Right’ To Urinate on Sidewalks | Video | TheBlaze.com.

This is what liberals and socialist will do to your town given enough rope. I can;’t wait to visit Californication and dress like I am homeless and urinate ALL over the place.

The homeless are hard to work with, many are mentally ill, have been abused by people so they have trust issues. Laws against feeding them has made it worse etc.

This is NOT a solution, this reminds me of the 1700’s in Europe. People just tossing out garbage and feces out into the streets due to plumbing issue.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/california-law-may-grant-homeless-people-the-right-to-urinate-on-sidewalks-video-theblaze-com/

Horror: Russian Teens Reportedly Decapitate Homeless Man — and Play Soccer With His Head | TheBlaze.com

Horror: Russian Teens Reportedly Decapitate Homeless Man — and Play Soccer With His Head | TheBlaze.com.

Now if this was a movie it might be funny but this is NOT. There is no excuse for these actions. Yes that guy was homeless but he was still a human being, he had rights as well.

A 15 year sentence? In this country I am not sure what would happen, most likely depends on the races involved.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/horror-russian-teens-reportedly-decapitate-homeless-man-and-play-soccer-with-his-head-theblaze-com/

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