Tag: liberals

Liberals hate America, it depends on who is the President


I wish Liberals would learn to “feel” less and think more. Sure I did not care for Barack as my President, but I did not like my country any less. Actually, I liked my country the same and I disliked what that eight years did to her.

If you can hate a country based on its President then maybe you should consider dual citizenship and migrate when you are happy with who the President is.

I love my country, it’s the best country with the most opportunity anywhere.

I love when some leftist, liberal, progressive says “if you don’t like it leave”. Why should I leave there are 190 other countries for you to pick from that have various levels of capitalism, socialism, fascism. You’re the one with the issue, I like the country the way it is.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/liberals-hate-america-it-depends-on-who-is-the-president/

Liberal + evangelical = not exactly possible

Liberal evangelicals? NOT

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/and-have-a-party-in-your-pink-lamborghini/

An Up-Close Look at the Ruins of Detroit and the People Fighting to Keep the City Together

An Up-Close Look at the Ruins of Detroit and the People Fighting to Keep the City TogetherDetroit, the one time industrial heart of the United States, is in a bad way.






This is what liberal/progressives do when trying to create their utopia. Democrats have been in control of Detroit since 1962, it was THE city in America. You can make more money living here than most if not any other city in America. 50 years later it’s gone from 1.8 Million people to just 700,000. Some parts of the city you have a 1 in 4 chance of being a victim, check that against the stats in other foreign countries. Go and find some real history of Detroit and you will see that communist and socialist ran most of this city.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/an-up-close-look-at-the-ruins-of-detroit-and-the-people-fighting-to-keep-the-city-together/

Allen West after Zimmerman Verdict: ‘I Am Tired of White Liberals Invoking the Heinous Memory of Lynchings’ | TheBlaze.com

Allen West after Zimmerman Verdict: ‘I Am Tired of White Liberals Invoking the Heinous Memory of Lynchings’ | TheBlaze.com.

O Allen West the voice of reason, THANK GOD for YOU!!

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/allen-west-after-zimmerman-verdict-i-am-tired-of-white-liberals-invoking-the-heinous-memory-of-lynchings-theblaze-com/

California Law May Grant Homeless People the ‘Right’ To Urinate on Sidewalks | Video | TheBlaze.com

California Law May Grant Homeless People the ‘Right’ To Urinate on Sidewalks | Video | TheBlaze.com.

This is what liberals and socialist will do to your town given enough rope. I can;’t wait to visit Californication and dress like I am homeless and urinate ALL over the place.

The homeless are hard to work with, many are mentally ill, have been abused by people so they have trust issues. Laws against feeding them has made it worse etc.

This is NOT a solution, this reminds me of the 1700’s in Europe. People just tossing out garbage and feces out into the streets due to plumbing issue.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/california-law-may-grant-homeless-people-the-right-to-urinate-on-sidewalks-video-theblaze-com/

Dem Rep. Urges Colleagues to Stop Using the ‘Extremely Offensive’ Word ‘Illegal’ in Immigration Debate | TheBlaze.com

Dem Rep. Urges Colleagues to Stop Using the ‘Extremely Offensive’ Word ‘Illegal’ in Immigration Debate | TheBlaze.com.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/dem-rep-urges-colleagues-to-stop-using-the-extremely-offensive-word-illegal-in-immigration-debate-theblaze-com/

Journalist Behind NSA Story Calls Out Flip-Flopping Liberal Media Now ‘Cheerleaders’ for Domestic Spying | Video | TheBlaze.com

Journalist Behind NSA Story Calls Out Flip-Flopping Liberal Media Now ‘Cheerleaders’ for Domestic Spying | Video | TheBlaze.com.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/journalist-behind-nsa-story-calls-out-flip-flopping-liberal-media-now-cheerleaders-for-domestic-spying-video-theblaze-com/

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