Tag: Obamacare

David Axelrod, Obamacare, Twitter you can probably figure the rest

David Axelrod speaks, people jeer him.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/david-axelrod-obamacare-twitter-you-can-probably-figure-the-rest/

Nothing to see here but a whiny LIBERAL about Obamacare–Daily Kos

Liberals don’t do math, nor think things through.

Obamacare ONLY hurts if you are working. Yeah I know, that makes sense.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/nothing-to-see-here-but-a-whiny-liberal-about-obamacaredaily-kos/

Yes Virginia there is Socialism afoot in America.

Link to story

“Vladimir Lenin, one of the fathers of socialism, said that socialized medicine is the keystone to the establishment of a socialist state,” Carson said. “Some people say, oh come on, you’re being paranoid. Why would you bring up something like that. I would say if you know anything about history, how could you not bring that up.” – Ben Carson

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/yes-virginia-there-is-socialism-afoot-in-america/

Obamacare (ACA) Hotline phone number

Intentional or not, you can not forget this one.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/obamacare-aca-hotline-phone-number/

Find out what just one part of "fundamental transformation" is all about.

"When Barack Obama told “Joe the Plumber” that he wanted to “spread the wealth around,” he wasn’t just using a figure of speech.

Since the 2008 campaign, Stanley Kurtz has established himself as one of Barack Obama’s most effective and well-informed critics. He was the first to expose the extent of Obama’s ties to radicals such as Bill Ayers and ACORN.
Now Kurtz reveals new evidence that the administration’s talk about helping the middle class is essentially a smoke screen. Behind the scenes, plans are under way for a serious push toward wealth redistribution, with the suburban middle class—not the so-called one percent—bearing the brunt of it.
Why haven’t we heard more about policies that will lead to redistribution? In part, of course, because controversies over Obamacare, unemployment, and the exploding budget deficit have taken the media spot­light. But the main reason, according to Kurtz, is that Obama doesn’t want to tip his hand about his second term. He knows that his plans will alienate the moderate swing voters who hold the key to his reelection.
Drawing on previously overlooked sources, Kurtz cuts through that smoke screen to reveal what’s really going on. Radicals from outside the administration—including key Obama allies from his early community organizing days—have been quietly influ­encing policy, in areas ranging from edu­cation to stimulus spending. Their goal: to increase the influence of America’s cities over their suburban neighbors so that even­tually suburban independence will vanish.
In the eyes of Obama’s former mentors—fol­lowers of leftist radical Saul Alinsky—suburbs are breeding grounds for bigotry and greed. The classic American dream of a suburban house and high quality, locally controlled schools strikes them as selfishness, a waste of resources that should be redirected to the urban poor.
The regulatory groundwork laid so far is just a prelude to what’s to come: substantial redistribution of tax dollars. Over time, cities would effectively swallow up their surround­ing municipalities, with merged school dis­tricts and forced redistribution of public spending killing the appeal of the suburbs. The result would be a profound transforma­tion of American society.
Kurtz shows the unbroken line of continuity from Obama’s community organizing roots to his presidency. And he reveals why his plan to undermine the suburbs means so much to him personally.
Kurtz’s revelations are sure to be hotly dis­puted. But they are essential to helping vot­ers make an informed choice about whether to reward the president with a second term." – from Amazon web site


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Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/find-out-what-just-one-part-of-fundamental-transformation-is-all-about/

Little Harry Reid–Are you actually still talking? You are Pointless!!


NOBODY wants the ACA / Obamacare. People that pushed it, aka the UNIONS are even running away from it. The ACA is UNconstitutional, despite what the Supreme Court. Read this

Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

WordPress Tags: Little,Harry,Reid,republicans,NOBODY,Obamacare,People,UNIONS,Unconstitutional,Supreme,Court,Read,Tenth,Amendment,States,Constitution

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/little-harry-reidare-you-actually-still-talking-you-are-pointless/

New IRS Rule Goes After Automatic Tips For Waiters

New IRS Rule Goes After Automatic Tips For WaitersThe Internal Revenue Service in 2014 will enforce a new rule that will require restaurants to recognize automatic gratuities added to large parties as taxable wages and not as tips.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/new-irs-rule-goes-after-automatic-tips-for-waiters-2/

Liberal Small Business Owner, Once an Obamacare Supporter, Now Rips Program Costs: ‘It’s Gigantically Troublesome to Me’ | TheBlaze.com

Liberal Small Business Owner, Once an Obamacare Supporter, Now Rips Program Costs: ‘It’s Gigantically Troublesome to Me’ | TheBlaze.com.

I would like to thank the 62 million USEless citizens who voted for Obama. It’s said that this guy stop drinking the cool-aid to late.

Stop believing that the government can or has to make things better for you.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/liberal-small-business-owner-once-an-obamacare-supporter-now-rips-program-costs-its-gigantically-troublesome-to-me-theblaze-com/

Unions Frantically Searching for a Way Out of Obamacare | TheBlaze.com

Unions Frantically Searching for a Way Out of Obamacare | TheBlaze.com.

Aw did the big dummies just get pwnd but their erected official. Buck up camper your in for pound.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/unions-frantically-searching-for-a-way-out-of-obamacare-theblaze-com/

Obamacare’s Employee Mandate Needs Work – Business Insider

Obamacare’s Employee Mandate Needs Work – Business Insider.

This “titanic” will sink America, insuring non-producers is NOT going to work. (no pun intended). Cliche like “you have to pay to play” actually mean something.

Again like socialism (sorry but that word will be used until 2016) the people who have will not like having to work harder (or be taxed more) to cover those that don’t work (especially who are able).

I am glad these 2 people spoke up and showed what the delay REALLY means.

Wait and see.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/obamacares-employee-mandate-needs-work-business-insider/

Benghazi: Obama’s “Wag the Dog” in Reverse – Capitalism Magazine

Benghazi: Obama's "Wag the Dog" in Reverse – Capitalism Magazine.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/benghazi-obamas-wag-the-dog-in-reverse-capitalism-magazine/

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