Tag: pronoun

Hate, it’s so easy a Caveman can do it.

What is with everyone? Have we become the United States of Triggered?

Hate and negativity is so easy, you spend your whole day looking for the bad in everything. I hate people that do (insert anything), why?

How bad is your life really? Did you know that the poorest person in America is still better off that most of the world? There are people without enough food, they wash clothes and dishes in polluted streams, they have refrigeration or air condition. Heck nevermind a TV or a game console etc.

Yes you sit there as an armchair General, keyboard warrior or self-deputized officer of the law raging about anything you can find.

Then there is the other group of you that if you hear something that your ears are sensitive to, you go off like an unstable stick of dynamite. “They didn’t use the proper pro-noun, you’re a racist, why do you hate children, you’re a Nazi, you’re a white nationalist” yada yada yada.

American your STUPIDITY is showing! You self-important, coddled people need to wake up and go on about your day and quit looking for things to hate. Find some joy in the world, watch puppy and kitty videos, find a park and take a book with you, go for a drive in the country.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/hate-its-so-easy-a-caveman-can-do-it/

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