Tag: school

Das Fuhrer – Is back in Middle School in Hudson Wis.

Das Fuhrer is back in school


Ok sheepel, it’s time once again to wake up, this is what the socialist/democrats do. Do something wrong and then apologize. Problem, it’s already out there and in the minds of YOUR kids. YOUR kids are NOT government soldiers, they are YOUR kids. Stopping letting schools “raise” your kids with THEIR values.

Call your schools on the carpet, take them to court if need be, they will rollover like beach balls.

Join the school board, get involved and “Change” OUR schools for the better of OUR kids.


WordPress Tags: Fuhrer,Middle,School,Hudson,democrats,Problem,government,Call,carpet,beach,balls,Join,Change

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/das-fuhrergoes-to-middle-school-in-hudson-wis/

‘God Is Dead’ Drawing to Remain Displayed in Public School Classroom — Is It Art…or an Outrage? | Video | TheBlaze.com

‘God Is Dead’ Drawing to Remain Displayed in Public School Classroom — Is It Art…or an Outrage? | Video | TheBlaze.com.

Apparently they have not read the Bible, God is not dead and he is the only living God there is.  Take prayer out of school but have a religious play IN school? People ya need to wake up, your kids are getting indoctrinated, if you disagree then you probably are an Agnostic or a “faux” Christian.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/god-is-dead-drawing-to-remain-displayed-in-public-school-classroom-is-it-artor-an-outrage-video-theblaze-com/

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