Tag: #wfh

Teleworks Unite!

I would like to thank the #coronavirus for helping me make a point that I have talked about for years.

I work in the tech field 99.9% of my work comes from either email, a ticketing system, or an occasional phone call and sometimes a screen share to assist a customer.

I can contact my colleagues via various messaging applications and even if needed I have a video camera and can share my desktop with them as well.

Since I am using supplied equipment they are most likely allowed to monitor me. While it’s disheartening I understand that many people don’t have the discipline to work without being visually supervised. I have not been visually supervised in 10 years.

Anyway, my point is given the current state of the state there are a bunch of jobs that can be done from home and that don’t have physical interaction with other people.

So why are we driving, taking up a seat on a train, bus etc?

There is a political party talking about this Green New Deal, while I disagree with it completely, there are things “we the people” can do without being forced or regulated into complying.

So write your governor, congressman, representatives, I wrote mine and basically explained by providing tax incentives to companies who do teleworking. The trade-off is that we who can telework are not adding to the traffic, less road and bridge use, etc.

The Federal and State government also need to push harder for teleworking a.k.a GAO-11-628 and NSPD-51/HSPD-20.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/teleworks-unite/

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