Teen Admits to Stabbing 22-Year-Old Man to Death Because He ‘Had a Hard Day’ and ‘Wanted to Kill the First Person He Saw’

Mychal King admitted to

via Teen Admits to Stabbing 22-Year-Old Man to Death Because He ‘Had a Hard Day’ and ‘Wanted to Kill the First Person He Saw’ | Video | TheBlaze.com.

As usual where is the outrage by anyone? Al Sharpton? J Jackson?

Buehler? Buehler?

With everything going on now days I think we could have a race war, a civil war and a world war all at the same time.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/teen-admits-to-stabbing-22-year-old-man-to-death-because-he-had-a-hard-day-and-wanted-to-kill-the-first-person-he-saw/

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