What or who are you really mad at?

Did you hate Obama, do you hate Trump? Did they do anything to you? directly? NO!, they did not.

So you don’t like the ACA (Obamacare), neither do I. I used to have “Cadillac” insurance, it usually means that you have very little out of your own pocket. It can cost more unless you work for a large company typically. Back in the day the most of would ever have to pay was my co-pay, it was usually about $20.

Today I have to pay co-pays ($20 – $50) and the first $6000 dollars for all medical and the first $3000 for dental.

Now the Democrats and Obama have been wanting to move to a more socialist medical care system, also called “single-payer”.

So this is where a short civics lesson is needed.

So there is one branch of government that makes laws, this is the Legislative Branch. This comprises of Congress of which inside is Senate and House of Representatives.

These are the people where you should be directing your anger to, they are the ones who take away liberties and freedoms. They violate the Constitution of the United States, they have forgotten the 18 enumerated powers. Maybe if they would read this every morning, maybe our country would be better for all.

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