Why the News shills

There is always a lot of debate about the news anchors, I don’t care what company you get your news from. You can get it from #Al-Jazeera, #ABC, #CBS, #CNN, #ESPN, #FOX, #MSNBC, #NBC, #RT, etc.

People will tell you that Rachael Maddow is really smart and is a Rhode Scholar or Morning Joe is a Republican etc.

Now take this into consideration:
#Rachael Maddow earns $7 million a year
#Wolf Blitzer earns $5 million a year
#Joe Scarborough earns $8 million a year
#Mika Emilie Leonia Brzezinski also earns $8 million a year
#Chris Matthews earns $5 million a year
#Brian Williams was making $10 million before he was finally called out about lying.
#George Stephanopoulos earns $15 million a year
#Anderson Cooper $12 million a year
#Shepard Smith $10 million

Now, this is just their “working” salaries, then there are book sales appearances, etc due to their career.

So with this kind of money why research and report the truth and or add your opinion when you can be told what to say and earn a 7 figure salary.

So yes I would say that a lot of these “talking heads” are really just “agenda puppets”.

Solution? Spend some time reading the Constitution, Federalist Papers, etc. Know how the government should operate so when you hear someone speak you know if it’s BS.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/why-the-news-shills/

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