Woke is Whack

I know that most of us know that this is true. The bigger problem is that people are afraid to call things out. Corporations fall for these “cancellations” from people who are not their typical customers. They either need to stay silent or use a good English phrase “piss off” or one of the American favorites “pound sand” also written as #sand

Lately M&M and Hershey had the “woke” moment and thought they did something cute. I can tell you unlike most of the Democrats, we will silently reduce our spending with companies either for a while or permanently, because we do not need to shout that #metoo is going to “cancel” some company because they do something stupid. Take Target for instance a few years ago, they went all in with basically allowing anyone is any bathroom regardless what the sign said. Their stock plummeted, yet most companies still haven’t learned.

Now I know you can’t keep a list of all of the companies who had or do bad things, but we all vote with our dollars on who and what we agree with, others will still shop somewhere because they really like something they carry.

Our household has cut back on a lot of things, I was an avid movie go’er. It’s been 10 years since I have gone and even at home I might watch 4 movies a year. My wife likes to go to a few baseball games a year, we stopped that as well and not to mention that the city is a cesspool and full of crime, it’s not worth my dime. LOL

Well I prefer to have one subject per post so I am off to write about other things, political of course.

Permanent link to this article: https://uselesscitizens.com/woke/

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